well i have wanted to make my own comments on this thread but it took a while to think this through. i have enjoyed everyones posts here and thanks for those. i guess pats opener of life changing at 18 fits me too. prior to that it was a life where there was always food on the table and a dry place to sleep. i remember trot lines and .22 rifles and a little white jeep to drive and my first girlfriend. from age 18 to age 71 it was school and work. six (count em folks) ex mothers in law (ewwww), four degrees, maybe 16 or so different jobs in six different states. nothing remarkable and really nothing particularly rewarding. but honestly, my life has never been better than the last six plus years largely due to my present partner who i met six weeks after arriving here. i am fighting the same rear guard action most of you are against father time but i will be leaving at daybreak on my bicycle for the market for fresh fish and maybe some choco wacko's for my babys breakfast. one day at a time folks. i will want to enjoy it as long as it lasts and will hope the best life possible for all of you as well!!
Yes hailing from Liverpool and the Beatles, I was at that time a junior press photographer and had the pleasure of meeting quite a few of the bands at the TV studio's in Manchester, Birmingham and London. "The Swinging Sixties"