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Cebu Have to move to Cebu or Manila to eat healthy?

Discussion in 'Surrounding Areas' started by onlymichael, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. OP

    onlymichael DI Member

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    My companion likes the 3 way coffee. As I recall coffee is the 3rd or 4th ingredient behind two forms of sugar and milkfat. I ask her when we are in the market if she needs any of her bullsh**t coffee. Filipinos seem to eat what tastes good and cheap, they have no concept of what is healthy. Of course this is how the food industry rakes in profits,-by addicting you to sugar, salt and fat. Salt and sugar can be used as preservatives extending the shelf life and further maximizing profits. If you're young and healthy, little problem, but it catches up with you later on. Most dogs and cats I have tried to feed processed food with salt and sugar will not eat it. Maybe they are smarter than we are?
  2. SteveB

    SteveB DI Forum Adept

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    If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn't everyone in Asia have a headache?

    MSG has always been controversial (well, since 1968) but most of the comments and opinions are unsupported by scientific or medical proof. It seems to have become another pop culture complaint. I found an interesting article in a British newspaper (link below) that pretty well sums up the controversy about MSG. My wife,for example, puts it in our food often and I have not seen or experienced any ill effects nor have I experienced anything worse than heartburn after coming out of a Chinese restaurant! I guess, if it was so bad, maybe the FDA or equivalent would ban it???

    If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn't everyone in Asia have a headache? | Life and style | The Observer
  3. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    below is just a short passage from the link below .
    he sacrificed MSG-fed mice and found that MSG caused hypothalamus lesions and neuroendocrine disorders, and that the very young were at particular risk. Neuroscientists now generally agree that glutamic acid is neurotoxic, killing brain neurons by exciting them to death.
    MSG - Dangers & Deceptions
    Study finds using MSG can cause weight gain
    MSG is an excitotoxin that causes brain damage
    MSG also promotes liver inflammation and dysplasia
    The Dangers of MSG
  4. SteveB

    SteveB DI Forum Adept

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    Forty-four years after Dr Ho invented the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome and the MSG dilemma, the controversy continues but most, if not all governments, including the USA, continue to support its use. Also, it is found naturally in varying quantities in many of the foods that we eat.

    Free glutamate content of foods (mg per 100g) roquefort cheese 1280
    parmesan cheese 1200
    soy sauce 1090
    walnuts 658
    fresh tomato juice 260
    grape juice 258
    peas 200
    mushrooms 180
    broccoli 176
    tomatoes 140
    mushrooms 140
    oysters 137
    corn 130
    potatoes 102
    chicken 44
    mackerel 36
    beef 33
    eggs 23
    human milk 22
  5. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    Arsenic is used in some medicine and found in foods would you put this on you noodles?
  6. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    No MSG for me. It DOES give me headaches and it DOES significantly raise my blood pressure.
  7. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    I have read quite a bit about MSG and I don't use it anymore but everybody is different and some people have no problem with it and others do.
    I am cooking may own meals and bake my own Bread and since I am doing that my health (I have a long history of digestive problems) has got better, so for me it works without MSG and by carefully preparing and slow cooking I don't miss it at all.
    I think that most people using it, are the ones that are into fast, careless cooking, so they need it to get taste into their foods that otherwise would be tasteless...
  8. OP

    onlymichael DI Member

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    A good source to research MSG and other similar health related stuff

    Here's a good site to research things like MSG.
    _w_w_w.ncbi_.nlm._nih._gov_/pubmed_/ Take out the underscores.
    I have not done it yet, but generally I do not trust anything that is not natural and unprocessed. Jack Lalanne said, when asked what he had learned in his 80 some years of eating right and he said this: "If it tastes (too) good, spit it out. If man has touched it, do not eat it."

    He lived healthy well past 80. I attributed this to his lifestyle which was certainly a factor.
    However his brother also lived a very long life, affirming my belief that 80% is genetic; you can only modify 20% or so. Different people also are effected differently by things like MSG no doubt.
  9. Anna

    Anna DI Member

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    Maybe you are referring to Nescafe 3in1 coffee. We filipinos grew up with Nescafe and it really taste good for us since we prefer anything sweet and creamy. I dont consider it as bulls**t coffee since it has sugar, coffee and creamer and there is nothing unusual with that, as a matter of fact most people no matter what race you are put sugar and cream in their coffees. What i consider an unusual coffee was the one Andrew Zimmern tasted in Ethiopia where they put butter and salt in their coffee and to think they have the best coffee in the world. I wont call the Ethiopian coffee a bulls**t coffee since we differ in preferences and calling it that is just plain wrong. Lets just be united as coffee lovers nomatter how you prefer your coffee. My Australian/Scottish fiancee loves his coffee black and i love Nescafe 3in1 and we are both happy, sometimes, being happy is much healthier than worrying about being healthy :smile:
  10. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    ... how about women ???