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Health Insurance???????To buy or Not?

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by blodgee, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. blodgee

    blodgee DI Junior Member

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    Ok folks here goes my 1st post here so be easy on me.
    My wife and 3 yr old daughter are wanting to move to the Philippines(Dumaguete we think) once I retire which could be as soon as 5yrs time from now.I am 50 yrs old and my wife is 30 yrs old.So far I am ok health wise except for some old injures due to my work (Bad knee etc).
    I have looked at Blue Cross and some others but all have limits that seem LOW to me in the real world.Don't quote me but a limit of 100,000-150,000P per sickness doesn't seem like enough to me.We paid $100,000P for my father in law there for a simple operation on his sinus so for example if I were to have a heart attack I can see the health Insurance limits quickly being reached? The premiums I think are about 30-40,000P per/yr.
    So what's the point of buying Insurance bsaed on the small limits they set?
    The way I see it is that if you have a very serious,lenghty sickness you will have to pay for the biggest part of it yourself anyway?
    Please give your comments and advice on what you are personally doing about your health Insurance or lack of it.
    Just to let everyone know,We will not be letting this scare us from living there.We just want to know the best way to go about it as per other expats/foriengers?
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    What about having more than one policy? Supplemental insurance? I know they are available in the U.S., but I don't know about the Philippines. What about Phil Health along with Blue Cross? I'm sure I'm causing more questions than answers, but I think they are worth pursuing. I'm sure others will chime in shortly.
  3. OP

    blodgee DI Junior Member

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    Since there has been only one reply am
    I to assume that foreigners don't care about or have any health Insurance while living in the philippines?
  4. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I will certainly maintain some insurance policy. The US government would add to my tax for it every year if I didn't.
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Restricted Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Welcome to the PI !

    :eek: Blodgee, Did you really think things are going to be the same as at Home. Once said and many times repeated, IT AIN'T the US or The UK. Just go with the Flow and accept!
  6. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Its all on here.

    It seems you have guessed the answer yourself.

    So you "think" you want to move to the PI when you retire with a wife and youngster, and health insurance is your only concern? The good thing is that many of your possible questions have been answered or discussed already on this forum you will just have to do a bit of research and reading. Some questions for you are: 1)Is anyone in your family a Pinoy? 2)Speak visyan or tagalog? 3)Do you have any family in the PI?

    While none of these are a requirement for living here they would certainly be an advantage and would shorten your learning curve. If none of the above are true than keep reading and make a wise decision for your family.
  7. OP

    blodgee DI Junior Member

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    Thanks for your reply.I can tell you that I am married to a filipina.I have visited the philippines only 3 times but in Dec it will be the 4th.We will be staying for 2 months.I have done hours and hours of research on this forum and others about living in the philippines and that incluldes all I can find out about health Insurance.I am Canadian so we have it even better than the USA when it comes to health Insurance for all.I just don't understand the benifit of paying 30,000+P for Insurance that has such small limits?I guess they figure any foriengers wanting health Insurance in the Pilippines are old and decripit and are at a high risk of needing a doctor or hospital on a regular basis?
  8. OP

    blodgee DI Junior Member

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    As I understand it ,"Just go with the flow and accept" means if you have no money or Insurance you Die!
    I am well aware the Philippines is considered a 3rd world country so it has all the associated problems that go along with that distinction.
  9. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    There is a health insurance in the Philippines for 100 P / month, i don't now the name and the benefits are little but the biggest benefit is that you have an insurance and for that reason you will always be admitted in a hospital in case of emergency.
    In case of emergency the hospital may ask you for a lot of paperwork or cash before you will be treated and perhaps by that time you will not need paperwork or cash anymore, only a coffin.
  10. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Phil Health

    They have an office in Dumaguete. The trick is to have your Philippine born spouse sign up and "sponsor" you. On average they pay for 1/2 of your hospital bill, but only on visits where you have to be admitted. "High ranking" hospitals are paid more and their pay rate goes down from there.