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Best Posts in Thread: Helping the poor

  1. Mark K

    Mark K DI Member

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    Good morning all.

    When I was in Mindanao my friends and I helped some communities in the very poor countryside. We bought things for the local school and school children (books, pencils, crayons, posters, pens etc) and provided simple food packages for the households.

    I would like to try and do something similar in the local area around Dumaguete.

    So if anyone has any Filipino friends/ contacts that are involved with this, or are living in such an area, please message me so I can talk to them and see if we can assist.

    Have a great day in this beautiful place :smile:
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  2. Mark K

    Mark K DI Member

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    I can tell you from personal experience, plenty of people care. But obviously not you.

    Anyway, quick update. I met the owners of Bata ng Calabnugan. It's a wonderful orphanage and the Italian/ Filipina couple who run it are great people who clearly are doing their best to ensure the children at the orphanage have a bright future. With the help of some donations from friends I took the owners shopping to buy supplies for the orphanage.

    I would highly recommend this place is anyone is interested in helping those in need. If anyone wants further info or photos you can pm me.
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  3. DiverTim

    DiverTim DI Member

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    My advice...keep it simple and see that the recipients actually get what you are offerring......so many in-betweeners only too willing to siphon off your help.
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  4. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    We all have the right to have our own opinion, I find your opinion extremely negative and primitive. It doesn't need a lot of circulation in the head to assure your donation reaches the right people. Many foreigners here helping the poor in different ways and even small donations can make a big difference.
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  5. okiebound

    okiebound DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    We supported the Friendship Home Foundation Orphanage in Valencia. I would call and see what their needs were and, if they needed anything, we would go shopping, if not we would drop a check by. It was especially fun to see all of their faces light up when we would show up with McDonald's.
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  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Be careful of expats too. If you have two expats trying to organize something, then it's an immediate clusterf**k. Two people might be doable, but 3 is right out. Of the 3, you get at least 2 idea people who are so brilliant with their ideas they can't be bothered to actually try to execute on anything. If poor sucker who has to work doesn't perform up to the standards of the idea people, then it's time for the idea people to take over leadership of the project. On the one hand, this wasn't ideal. On the other hand... more BRILLIANT ideas! I mean, why just stop at school supplies? We can change the world! Oh, and we can hire my wife's brother to hand out flyers with some of the donations. Or we can use this service from my business I just started which would be perfect for the task. Work guy, are you taking notes? You can't just tell idea guys to f**k off, because then they get their feelings hurt. Now they are questioning your motives. Maybe you are benefiting some way. Maybe you are a con artist. Maybe they'll report you or even take you to court.

    I don't know how motorcycle clubs manage to organize. Maybe they just do a last man standing bare-knuckle match to pick the leaders in order of how long each of them survived before tapping out.

    Too much of a PITA. :wink:
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  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Orville at Jamrock occasionally does things like a lunch program for kids and projects for improving small schools.

    Otherwise (just throwing darts here) I would either go directly to a school or a barangay office. To get other people involved, maybe start a FB page / group. Post flyers in the resto-bars.
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