Mogo51, welcome! People in Dumaguete are quite versatile in the language/dialect department. Most generally they speak Tagalog when spoken to so there should not be a problem with your girlfriend. Hope this helps.
I always consider it a blessing when I have such a hard time understanding them that I give up and only let positive thoughts enter my mind an heart.
Am sure they will let you understand if needed. Consider it a bliss coz you can get away with anything due to a language barrier .... e.g. they can't blame you for anything that you have no full understanding of ;-)
Hmmmmmmmmmm You obviously have not met my Wife, Blame, BLAME! The Worlds Problems, the Debt and Poverty of the Philippines is Our (The Foreigner's) Fault when it pleases them, and some days she can make me believe this but don't you just Luv em all the same? JP
Lol! I am very much a Filipino. I may live abroad but hubby and I come to visit the Philippines briefly each time and each time to different islands for different experiences and sceneries. But obviously, you are trapped in a wrong circle of Pinoys? Just kidding but normally these are the type of people who lack better understanding of the situation/s and blame is the only way out. That does not only happen in the Philippines though ... it happens anywhere in the world, I so observed. Some countries even resort to not only blame but also gruesome violence ..... sad!
Oh wow! A quick lecture of Philippine economics may come in handy for your wife. She obviously does not follow the Philippine politics or just blaming you is easier to understand than the complex nature of Philippine economy? Good luck to you ;-)
luxdox she is a 50 year old CPA and understands perfectly, the reverse Economics of the PI. Like most of the Electorate here it is easier to Blame Everyone else. A fact you will soon understand when you live here Full time. + of course those things you will need on arrival but. + the Brownouts then when in the City as if we could go any faster And all this is our fault. Cos it is never theirs. Then it is the Filipino way so it must be good. Having said all this, I still love it here. JP
Ha ha! By the way, I am a Pinay myself. I remember growing up in Basay, just several miles west from Dumaguete, my mother was the authority in the house, she was always right and no one would dare get in the way or else ....... having lived in different parts of the world, however, I am more open to respecting and listening to people's opinion and way of thinking and filter them in. I avoid arguments and blaming someone coz it usually don't end well.