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Best Posts in Thread: Hi!

  1. birdwatch

    birdwatch DI Forum Adept

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    +308 / 188
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    I know I owe you an apology for a late introduction. I hope I won't jinx myself now that I finally found something on social media that doesn't make me feel like I'm talking to ghosts. The topics are very familiar and members are funny even if they don't try to be. ^0^
    It's my first time to join a forum--the word alone scares the sh*t out of me because I believe it's only for intelectuals which I am not. I'm a Filipino and I thought my American bf who spent half of his 54 years in Long Island and the other half here in Japan, will change his mind on retiring to the Philippines after all the controversy, but he just shrugs it off saying he'd been brought up in a shitty neighborhood. He's actually very funny, it's a shame he won't join here (yet?). Anyway, I joined the group because only photography interests me on fb but I'm too busy to do that now. In DI forum, I could hear stories about home that don't come with chain letters on my messenger. Like my bf, I have been here in Japan since the early nineties. I moved to his place a few years ago and started working for his friend who rents apartments mostly to foreigners new in Japan. I assist the newcomers until they get comfortable with the system. It's quite unusual but we do it anyway. I have second thoughts of going home in the future but my pension is too small and it would mean I have to work until I die if I stay.
    Pardon my poor comments on threads!
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