In order to protect the patients, doctors and staff the guard at the gate will not let you in if you have a fever and unless your doctor by telephone says for you to come to Holy Child. Just calling Holy Child they will tell you there are no doctors available and all clinics are canceled.
Always keep the phone number of your doctor's secretary to use in times like these. It may be easier to contact your doctor if they are a department head in the hospital.
Symptoms appear from Covid-19 within 5 days of exposure and blue lips are a sign of advanced disease threatening life.
With this being met, the guard will take your temperature and ask questions to fill up a form.
Don't expect to load up the patient in your SUV and rush them to the hospital, they won't get in the gate because of protocol. Call the patients doctor and follow directions.
Best Posts in Thread: Holy Child Hospital in Lockdown 3/16/2020
Shakey, , age has nothing to do with hospital care in this country.. the only criteria is who has enough money.
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By knowing who is coming with what ailment they can induct them while reducing exposure to a lot of workers. This way they will be able to treat more sick people because the workers will be there working in the hospital and not at home in isolation waiting to see if they are contagious.-
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