It's not so much that the building code standards are low, it is more that corruption is high, so for a few extra pesos inspectors look the other way... I think it is a combination of both. But nevertheless, things have to change in order for things to change. I have a friend living in a rented home in Bohol....his house is fine, but the fence came tumbling down....sent me pics...wouldn't ya know....not a single piece of rebar, dog wire, chicken wire or any other metal reinforcing anywhere to be found.
It was not built to code. The code is there and demands reinforcement bar, it just does not get followed. Cheaper to pay the bribe if needed than rebar. Larry
Still, a little unsettling, we experienced 2 more aftershock late last night, On the news this morning, it reported over 1000+ reports of aftershocks through yesterday, I hope and presume this means the radio station or elsewhere, had had over 1000+ reports of the same Aftershocks and Not as it sounded, Aftershocks in that great Number
A little after the horse has bolted, but some useful tips follow link.. Triangle of Life: Earthquake Tips | The Go Between: Psychics, Mediums and Integrity by Melissa Leath
Yes, there have been over 1,000 aftershocks already. Some that are recorded are not felt though, while others are spread all over the area. Aftershocks and their magnitude as reported by PHIVOLCS through Earthquake Report
The updated casualty list is 158 fatalities, 374 casualties, with 21 people still missing/unaccounted for in Bohol.