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Best Posts in Thread: Household Community Quarantine Passes

  1. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Well said Rye83. I guess you have some kind of administrative authority withing the Forum/Site. It also seems to me that some on the Forum are getting quite worked up with each other over silly little things. No need for that. Maybe everyone's getting a bit 'stir crazy' being cooped up in the house. I joined DI to gain and receive information....why don't we keep it at that? Just the view of a relative newcomer. Thanks all.
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  2. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    They originate from the various government agencies and are posted on FB.

    On FB check out "Yes the Best Dumaguete" and "Headz Up NegOr".

    There you will find daily updates on the number of confirmed cases here on Negros Oriental. Currently there are 2. There were 4 total but 2 died.
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  3. tuba-coma

    tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Politicians only need be as intelligent and as logical as their voting base. The countries we come from aren't doing any much better than the Philippines, in fact, most are actually doing much worse. So what does that tell you? Most of what the Philippines is doing has worked much better at slowing the spread of the disease than Western policy has. The problem with the West (and the complaints here) has largely been a "but muh freedum!" issue. Stop being so selfish and follow the rules.

    This seems to be a great example of how democracy and anti-authoritarian views are not always best. Sometimes you need people who can step up and not worry about how their idiotic voting base will react...and those people are in very short supply in the West.
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  5. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    A bit off topic but just saw some news that in Europe, the infection rate is going through the roof on a second wave. Too early to start relaxing these rules I think. This is going to get worse than better. Hope we are safe here though with the isolation we have from the rest of the world.
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  6. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    People are assuming this must be bleach - but it may not be. Apart from the effect on skin and eyes, the chemical is almost certain to be entering the lungs. Any short-term damage to lungs is not a very clever thing during a respiratory virus outbreak! See: https://healthfully.com/side-effects-inhaling-bleach-5376626.html

    Mid to long term is the possibility of some carcinogenic effect if it is another chemical. I would not worry if you have been sprayed once but I would not have it repeated.

    If coming across any checkpoint asking you to leave your vehicle and be sprayed, people would be wise to say they will turn around and go back. To avoid them assuming you have something to hide and so perhaps even foolishly arresting you, it would be best to say you have asthma and cannot inhale disinfectants.
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  7. hansie

    hansie DI Member Restricted Account Infamous

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    I think the Pinoys and Pinays are in good company when it comes to that: Someone in the USA (that fell upwards due to lack of weight) took weeks to realize that this pandemic was something a bit worse that a common flu, and although wearing a facemask is now recommended, he is not going to do it (good life insurance, I suppose). Oh yes, and then there is that clown in South America that wants churches full during the Easter weekend, irrespective of the consequences. We also have a few 'leaders'in a couple of those 'stan' countries that either refuse to accept there is a problem or have issued a law making the use of the word COVID-19 a crime. And some of us are moaning about the way this country tries to tackle the problem??? Hmmm....
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  8. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

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    what is your point? you want to have China-like circumstances here or in the US? Military and govt surveillance strongarming the people into submission? No thanks.

    Economy wise, I cant speak about the US but in Germany, companies don't lay off their staff (specially not the high qualified, hard to replace people) but put them on reduced salaries, with support from the government. even if they did, why would people move, and where? same problem and no new jobs all around the country. So the people will still be there mostly, even if it takes half a year or more. Also, see the good sides of all of this. Clean air, climate can take a break, many people will see that there are other things than 9 to 5 wage slavery for the sake of economic growth, little bit of a slowdown will not damage western economies beyond repair. there are enough riches hidden in deep pockets which just need to be dug up by the states to help those who need it.

    a quick look around the world, for example to equador (people burning their dead in the streets) or India (millions of people barely have access to enough water for regularly washing their hands, dont know what to eat and where to go and are kept in check by the military), will show you that we are all so very well off in comparison. Lean back and enjoy the silence and clean air in Dumaguete!
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  9. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    The people of Dumaguete only get half of the day. Maybe they are trying to separate the populations inside the city from outside the city. Hopefully they will block people from outside the city when the people inside the city are allowed to go out.

    If not, this would be a very dumb thing to do. They bunched everyone up together in a short time span. The 7 am to 12 noon is a joke because the stores do not open until 10 am. So all the people will be bunched up together between 10 am to 12 noon on Mon - Wed. Meanwhile the stores will have no one in them in the afternoons Mon - Wed and the mornings Thur - Fri. Unless this time is reserved for people outside the city.

    Bunching people together like this during these short time spans will increase the potential to spread the virus.
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  10. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

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    they cant enforce helmet law, i trust they cant enforce this bs, either.
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