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Finance & Legal Best Posts in Thread: How to send money in the cheapest way from Europe

  1. Justice911

    Justice911 DI Member Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    Hi Forum members, I want to say a big Thank you to all of you, who tried to help, that my Filipina gets a German Bank-Account !!!!:happy::happy::happy:........I got many ideas....
    the idea to go to Germany, just to open a bank-account was not a good option for us, as we have 8 dogs, who love us (and vice versa) sooo much and it would be also too expensive and a Long-haul flight is not without risks.
    So I tried it with several banks and the difficulty was, the conservative ones, wanted the German Post Identification, other online-banks wanted the same as DKB and DKB does not take foreigners since years.
    But finally I came across N26, they have a very nice Support-Team and the good thing is, they have Debit-Cards, so no Finance-Check-Up is needed. And the Debit-Card does not charge foreign currency fees. Other banks charge 1,7 % and more. So I was happy to find this for my wife ....but....but....but the next problem came. The filipina must identify herself with a passport and this goes normally with Video-Ident per "IDnow"-Company, the business partner of N26. So I asked IDnow per email, if they accept Philippine Passports and they said "No sorry, they are not in our system". I was in rage and wrote "How can it be, that Mexico and Columbia and other countries which are infiltrated with money laundering, drug trafficking and drug gang warfare" are in your system and the Philippines with their new cleaning-up-President not?!"
    They answered "this in not a question how criminal a country is, it is a question how safe against counterfeiting the passports are". But I did not give up and nerved them until I finally got the information, that Philippine Passports issued after the middle of 2016 are in their system and they advised me their App from IDnow to make Video-Identification....but this App needs an Entrance-number given by the bank. So I asked N26, as their App offers to my wife only Post-ID in Germany, to give me such an Entrance-Number, but they did not give me. So I said to them, "how can it be, that your App does not offer Video-Ident to my wife and IDnow your business-partner does?" The answer was, "Because the Philippines are not in our system". So I said, how weard it is, that your business-partner has the Philippines (after 2016) in his Identification-System and N26 not.
    After some days I tried it again with the N26-App, because the no-reply-Newsletter nerved us alway with the demand to Identify and..........
    what a miracle, the N26-App suddenly offers Video-Ident for my wife....so the App connected directly to an employee of IDnow and he was very nice and identified the passport and my wife................uuuuuuuuuufffff :banghead::banghead::banghead: , this was a real Odyssey, but I did not give up and succeeded finally.

    Soon we will get the Debit-Master-Card to our German Address.
    Thanks again to all of You, who tried to help us.
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  2. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    I hope I am not too far off the mark here, but;
    In the long run would it not be easier to apply for a Tourist Visa, take her to Germany for a short Holiday, go into the Bank, open up a Joint Account together, then set the ground work for her return back to the Philippines with a legitimate German Account? I assume you want her to draw the money whilst living in the Philippines, is that correct? If so, then bite the bullet, do the yards, take her there, and do it how they want you to do it.
    Problem solved? :o o:
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  3. Mom Miriam

    Mom Miriam DI Member

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    Your problem puzzles me. I read up on it to demystify, and so I learned that identity legitimation is now a vital component of banking practice to be able to adhere to local Anti-Money Laundering laws and Know Your Customer laws. Presently, there are four (4) ways by which banks in DE verify a bank account applicant's identity:

    1. PostIdent - Bank account applicant appears before a German post office clerk who verifies identity from presented passport and acceptable ID/s;

    2. Foreign bank or lawyer attestation - Applicant accomplishes forms from bank website and, with passport and acceptable ID/s, has these forms authenticated and her identity legitimated by a local bank and /or notary public;

    3. VideoIdent – Applicant appears in video conference with her passport and acceptable ID/s for online identification by the bank in DE

    4. German diplomatic office attestation - Applicant accomplishes forms from bank website and, with passport and acceptable ID/s, has these forms authenticated and her identity legitimated by an authorized DE diplomat.

    If popular DKB is not approving, then you could also try N26 BANK GMBH or N26, COMMERZBANK AG or Commerzbank, DEUTSCHE POSTBANK AG or Postbank, and COMDIRECT BANK or Comdirect, as listed at Home - Banks Germany

    N26 could be easier because, unlike most DE banks, it does not look into credit history but an address in Germany or Austria is required for sending the debit card to the new bank account holder. There's more info at How to open a German Bank account for non residents - Auswandern Handbuch
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Rich people don't mooch off social programs and actually bring something (money to spend and tax revenue) to countries they immigrate to. They should be prioritized.

    An old man bringing a young wife to their country nearly doubles the length of time that retirement checks and benefits need to be paid out. They are usually a burden to society and are treated as such. :troll::sneaky:
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  5. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    You might want to apply to your embassy for a shengan visa in another country. My Aussie friend took his Filipina gf to Thailand because he said the embassy in Manila were #=/+?&.
    I know my Canadian embassy in Manila are #&$@). The Fil/Can girl d*mn near swallowed her head when I told her she's standing on Canadian soil so act like a Candian. There is a good reason they stand behind bullet proof glass.
    You might want to consider using Spain or France as your point of entry. I know France uses a visa service (VFS or something) and I think they are less problematic
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  6. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    You seem very determined to do this, have you considered relocating yourself to a more user-friendly country? I am unsure of your circumstances. Are you already Retired or are you still working? Are you able to take your Pension to another Country where you can bring your Wife and set up a similar Account there? Surely there are other options if you are always met with the Great Wall blocking you to your freedom of choice on the other side?

    I relocated to the Philippines once I realised I would be facing a Great Wall of my own bringing my Wife and Daughter to Australia. I made the choice to come here to live so that I could be with her. But I was able to transfer my Pension here to make that possible. Are you able to make your Pension Portable and bring it to the Philippines also?

    Maybe there is a neighbouring Country you can relocate to so as to be able to bring her there with you, and then, to set up an Account together, achieving what it is you wish to do. Even if you need to duck back over the Border together to do so. Surely you have the freedom to leave Germany and live in another Country taking your money/Pension with you? Is that possible? If so; then choose the best place to go to be able to bring her there with you, then travel back to Germany to open the Joint Account together.

    I am sure there is more than one way to skin a Cat (As we say back in Oz) :wink:
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  7. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    I think you have made a mistake transferwise must be better than WU?
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  8. Mom Miriam

    Mom Miriam DI Member

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    Being already married to a German, methinks it was error for Justice55's wife to apply for a visa for the purpose of tourism in Germany - the filial relationship technically weakens bindng rootedness to Philippine soil.

    From my amateur point of view, she should apply instead for a visa for the purpose of visiting family and/or friends in Germany or family reunification.

    If, for some private and/or personal reason family reunification visa cannot be made possible, she can also try to apply for a visa for the participation in a language course lasting no longer than 3 months in Germany - this last one could be instrumental to enable her to open that German bank account for a non-German living outside Germany or what the German embassy calls "Bank Account/Blocked Account (Sperrkonto) for Foreign Students."
    • Informative Informative x 2
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018