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I was born in Malmo Sweden......

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by MalmoMan, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. MalmoMan

    MalmoMan Guest Guest User

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  2. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    Geert has balls; I am sure that if that was said in Australia there would be a riot from the muslims that it was raciest
  3. OP

    MalmoMan Guest Guest User

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  4. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Geert has massive balls, if he said that in the UK he be hailed a hero.
  5. nick78_swe

    nick78_swe DI Member

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    I live in Borlänge, Sweden and we have in the last couple of years had more than 3000 Somalians come to our city of 50k population.
    The city is changing FAST beacuse of this and its mostly to the worse, our city economy is now REALLY bad and the government is pouring tax money into the city or else we would be bankrupt very very soon.
    Now the big "thing" here now is that the growing muslim population wants (actually demands) to build a BIG "muslim center" (mosque i guess) wich would not only cater Borlänge but the whole middle/north of Sweden aswell.

    As a country and this town have had several waves of refugees/immigrants historically and its always ended up good for us, it might have taken some years for some to adapt/fit in/get a job but they have done it, now the muslims that comes flat out REFUSE to adapt or even try to do things the Swedish/Nordic way and alot of them have the nerve to complain and demand more, more and more of everything and not showing one ounce of gratitude for all the TAXMONEY we are wasting on these people and their families.
  6. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I can see in the long term about 10 + years. Europe will have another war, this time will be about Islam.
    In the UK they already have hundreds of thousands of mosque, and more and more are showing up.
    Nick, its the same over in Britain, they don't want to work and take all the welfare money. No wonder UK has money problems.
  7. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    Jim, be careful the Thought Police in UK don't knock on your door for daring to have an opinion.

    UK has the same problems as Sweden in this matter, along with Denmark, The Netherlands and France, and the resentment is growing all the time. There has to be a backlash at some stage. They flatly refuse to integrate, or accept the rule of law, demanding that Sharia takes precedence over the law of the land. They set up their own councils and pressure groups, and the wooley-hat liberal tree-huggers allow them to do it, claiming that it creates "diversity". They are continually baiting, challenging and pushing boundaries.They have colonised Slough, Luton, Birmingham, Bradford, Gloucester, Bristol, Nottingham and large swathes of East London. If you go into the East London hospital on Whitechapel Road, you step back into the dark ages. Indiginous Londoners have been harrassed and beaten up, being told to "stay away from here, it is a Muslim area". Mosques are springing up like mushrooms, yet they are used as a breeding ground for radicals. The authorities know this, but are gutless and too spineless to take any form of action. Diversity and equality ???? I will believe that when the band of the Salvation Army can march through Mecca, and I can find nothing diverse or equal in the barbaric female genital mutilation routinely carried out, always without any form of anaesthetic and often done with a rusty knife and a sharpened spoon.

    Just recently, a young soldier in UK was returning to barracks in Woolwich having been on duty at the Tower of London. He was attacked by two radical Muslims, who first drove a car into him, then calmly went to him while he was laying in the road, stabbed him to death and beheaded him. This was done in broad daylight. The backlash has already started.

    Radical Muslim groups have attempted to disrupt parades, holding up placards saying "Baby killers", "Islam will rule", "Death to the British" etc, have insulted the Queen, burnt our national flag, defaced our memorials, and had a symbolic bonfire of bibles. The police stood by and did nothing, and arrested a token few much later. They were charged with a public order offence and fined a pittance. An outraged Englishman, in a passionate act of retaliation, burned a copy of the Koran. He was pounced on by the police, charged with a "hate" crime, and sent to prison for 6 months. Equality, I think not.

    I have to agree with your prediction of severe civil unrest Jim, but I think it will happen a lot sooner than 10 years.
  8. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I couldn't have said it better mate :smile:. You know my views already.

    We should take Australia's stance on immigration, "if you don't like our ways or laws don't come" we don't want you!
  9. OP

    MalmoMan Guest Guest User

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    Swedes are very patient and extremely tolerant.....it's just our nature.... But But But, watch up!
    We sit quiet and watch the destruction and the spineless idiots running the country..... Most Muslims enter from the south.... and they are all welcome in to Sweden. Well well well, the Swede's will offer an even more beautiful departure.... FREE VACATION, with departure in the very north of Sweden and the enjoyment of the Beautiful Midnight Sun......sliding out on the ices going further north, and reach the North Pole..... That will be their last destination....... Meet Santa Claus, enjoy the gifts, and many thanks for trying to destroy Sweden..... Santa have made arrangement for NO WAY OF RETURN, a small hole in the ice and down they go with the Koran, deep into the water.....Very Cold and worse than Hell, no 70 Virgins...... Lots of fish down there...Who will eat Who First?
    Do not f*ck around with the Swedes.....after a while the Viking inside will react, and nothing can stop them. Problem solved!
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    It's happening in the US too. It's just a matter of time before another large attack. Btw, there have been over 21k terrorist attacks in the world since 9/11. The worst mistake they will make is when they go for a biological/dirty nuke in a populated area. The left wing muslim apollgists will have no choice but to open their eyes to the religion of peace.

    According to the Quran, non-believers...
    Eat like beasts 47:12
    Are apes 7:166, 5:60, 2:65
    Are swines 5:60
    Are asses 74:50
    The vilest of animals in Allah's sight 8:55
    Losers 2:27, 2:121, 3:85
    Have a disease in their hearts 2:10, 5:52, 24:50
    Are hard-hearted 39:22, 57:16
    Impure of hearts 5:41
    Are deaf 2:171, 6:25
    Are blind 2:171, 6:25
    Are dumb 2:171, 6:35, 11:29
    Are niggardly 4:37, 70:21
    Works shall be rendered ineffective 2:217, 47:1, 47:8
    Are impure 8:37
    Are scum 13:17
    Are inordinate 5:68, 78:22
    Are transgressors 2:26, 9:8, 46:20
    Are unjust 29:49
    Make mischief 16:88
    Are the worst of men 98:6
    Are in a state of confusion 50:5
    Are the lowest of the low 95:5
    Focus only on outward appearance 19:73-74
    Are guilty 30:12, 77:46
    Sinful liar 45:7
    Follow falsehood 47:3
    Deeds are like the mirage in a desert 24:39
    also...Allah does not love them 3:32, 22:38
    Allah forsakes them 32:14, 45:34
    Allah brought down destruction upon them 47:10
    Allah has cursed them 2:88, 48:6
    Allah despises them 17:18
    Allah abases them 22:18

    They cry hate speech against anyone who speaks against Islam yet worship the hate in the Quran.