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I was born in Malmo Sweden......

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by MalmoMan, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    What you wrote about your experience with the woman I left untouched, I only removed the offensive part of your post that stated to the effect that ALL Muslims were scammers.

  2. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Unfortuna tely it's just probably my luck then because I have not once have met a decent one. But thanks for doing that.
  3. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    You don't care but I do, I don't want my son growing up and thinking that violence is okay because these Muslims have showed nothing but violence in this country. You find that in every news in Australia there's always a Muslim involved and since they breed like rabbits in about 5 years time, when my son start schooling he will be surrounded with these new generation of Muslim children that could be worse.

    Recent news in Australia, 1.6million Muslim refugees just this year. I care about innocent people getting hurt. Cops getting gun down from Muslim bikies or hot Pursuit causing death to innocent people and I think o myself, what if my son and my husband is in that car involving a hot pursuit of a Muslim drug dealer? ( because Muslims here now run the gangs). These are the things I consider that's why I care because it could be my family, or your family or it could be just anyone's.
  4. Vicmico

    Vicmico DI Member

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    it's not bad mouthing a religion: it's identifying those that use a particular religion to impose their beliefs on others (especially biting the hands that feed them when they get to another country). Read the comments properly before you shoot from the hip without hitting anything.... Interesting article in the newspaper today: Increased violence against islamic entities in Britain as a result of the murder of Rigby. Suggest you read this sort of info first before you make comments...

  5. nick78_swe

    nick78_swe DI Member

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    Ok you want to take the historical route on this, let me tell you what your dear all loving church did to my country and my people, my friend.
    You came to my country where we were beliving and worshipping our Asa goods (Tor, Oden, Freia etc etc) our "heaven" Was something called Valhall and the only way to Valhall was dying in battle being carried there by Valkyries.
    Anyhow, the Catholic church said to us "Believe in the one true christian god or die" and we said "We believe in whatever we want thank you very much, now p*ss off" and then we were converted by the sword, thousands died by the hand of catholic "missionaries".
    Norway and Island were also converted, Norway didnt want to either and was also massacred until they yielded and became a christian nation, the Islanders were smarter though, they saw what happened to Sweden and Norway and converted without problem and when the missionaries left their island they kinda went back to their old ways.
    So historically you did the same thing that most religions have done, kill the heretics and "convert" whole nations to create what would be for you the prefect nation under your christian god.
    And if I have lived at that time and openly expressed my atheism i would have in best case been run through by a catholic sword and in worst case being burned alive as a heretic.
    So what the muslims does today is what the Catholics did back then, they are just being more sneaky about it since these days you cant go around killing everyone who doesnt believe like you do, but i bet they really want to though.

    So in conclusion, most religions and Catholics in particular have a VERY VERY dark and bloody history you better leave it alone and focus on how good you behaving today, and speculating and doing "what ifs" is not valid arguments since we cant tell how history would have played out if X didn't do Y.
  6. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    The muslims have charity, the Saudi pay a death benefit to suicide bombers families, so you can't say they are unconcerned with the loss of life, just not non-muslim life.
  7. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Oh please, the men who stopped islam from taking over Erope only paid lip service to the church.. The church never wanted to finance the defence and the leaders had to extort the money to form the standing professional army needed. Left to the church, Islam would already rule the world.
  8. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    This thread, if nothing else proves there will never be a United Europe/World, there are too many differences.
    While there is historic bitterness or hatred it will never happen. I do not blame people for what has happen in the past, for one thing, they like me were not born at that time. It does nothing good to hold those thoughts in your mind or heart.
    My point was simply that, while one group of people procreate and another doe's not, you will have the situtation arising, which this thread was all about.....I will not comment any futher on the subject, if I have offended anybody, I apologise.
  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I believe I read it properly. Religions, at least the ones I have dealt with, have always tried imposing their beliefs on the entire population. Can't buy a car or buy a beer in the US on Sunday.....gee, I wonder where that came from. (at least the states are starting to pull their heads out of their asses now with the beer thing) Placing "in god we trust" on our currency....I wonder which God that refers to, and that only happened in the 50's. I believe church's have the right to impose their beliefs on people, but only on the ones who willing walk through those church doors on their own free will. Outside the church they should have absolutely no say and should be thrown in jail for stepping foot in a government building to try to spread their "word" to people who don't give a d*mn about hearing it.
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Humans have been fighting ever since we existed. World peace will never exist so long as we exist. We are by far the most violent and invasive animal on this planet. Everyone believing in the same god wouldn't change a thing. Taxes, warand death are the only certainties in life.