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KEY Thread If not Dumaguete then where?

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Billybob, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. osodelnorte

    osodelnorte DI Forum Adept Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    personally i prefer the other side of the island.. near basay.. awesome beaches.. not a lot of people.. i bought a big deep freezer and only go to Dumaguete when i need to replenish.. every time i am more amazed at the congestion, pollution and the green water.. lying in my hammock over looking the sulu sea i watched a whale go by..
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  2. lesmbro

    lesmbro DI Junior Member

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    The problem is, that many men are in a hurry to get the girls pants off - they don't know anything about her except that she looks pretty good. If she comes from a poorer family, these girls tell their family if they have a foreigner. But if you ask her first, what her family does, and if they are all working, then you wont have a problem. On the other hand, if she has around 10 brothers and sisters, who are not working, then you will have problems
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  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I guess I am a "warm weather friend". I hated it here yesterday, I like it better today.
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  4. Mogo51

    Mogo51 DI Member

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    Funny and witty.
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  5. Mogo51

    Mogo51 DI Member

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    Hi BillyBob,
    Have you tried other places? I suggest you do some research into Iloilo, which is not far from Dumaguete. From what I can see, it is not so crowded and the streets are quite wide and the town well laid out. Lots of malls etc. and the beaches in some areas are ok, certainly be ok for what you want them for (about the same as me). Living is reasonable and seems to have a bit going for it.
    A word on the qualities you are looking for in a woman - are you really that vain, when all you want is a 'pretty woman'. The saying 'beauty is only skin deep' is so true in Asia, whether it be Thailand or Phils or where ever. I found out the hard way here in Thailand, so I sat down and thought what I wanted to find in a woman:
    1. Mature woman, no kids
    2. Educated (university level)
    3. Not a bar girl, or similar
    4. Working
    5. Caring & considerate, not an ATM

    My wife is an average looking person but an absolute stunner from within. She is a teacher and has solely put her children through higher University education with no regard for the loss of personal secrity ie. pension etc in Phils.
    She cares for me like I have never experienced in my life, I am very lucky. If you want the right woman, may I suggest you look a bit deeper than 'pretty'. there are other areas outside Visayas that may suit you, start researching for one that attracts your attention. Good luck.
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  6. tuba-coma

    tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    secret tip - I recommend Toledo City in the west of Cebu, if you are one of the more adventurous characters. city is not too big, some restaurants, a small mall, some not so impressive beaches nearby and most of all; an amazing bunch of young women looking for a foreigner. why? because there are no foreigners. why? this is a pristine rough place, if you like the real life in the philippines without any conveniences for the expats - some like that - adventures guaranteed :-)
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  7. adventureph

    adventureph DI Junior Member

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    Sure would like to go fishing sometime. I brought a lot of fishing line (different sizes), hooks (different sizes, and some with steel leaders), and some different size rods, back from the USA over 1 year ago. But, still haven't been able to go fishing yet. I just haven,t been able to find anyone that likes to fish, and has a boat.
    I live about 2 hours North of Dumaguete, but it is an easy drive (except rush hour).
    Send me a private message, and maybe we can work something out.
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  8. Cerne

    Cerne DI Forum Adept

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    Completely off topic and pie in the sky....I would choose Kerala in India. Gorgeous beaches, great food, a 97% literacy rate, relatively crowd free (unless in the big cities) etc etc. The lakhshwadeep islands are are just a shortish boat trip away for diving etc etc. Health tourism is big there too..modern high tech hospitals purpose built for which ailment ails you. Wildlife parks abound and the culture is simply amazing.

    The drawbacks? Kerala has been taking a stand against alcohol in recent years and so the old falling down juice becomes a slight problem. You can't own land, the rents can be high in the cities and a residency visa is expensive. It gets hot in the months leading up to the monsoon too...so I am happy in Dumas surrounds. It has its problems sure, but for a semi retired gent like me it's perfect. A run once or twice a week for supplies then back to ye olde domicile to watch the world go by. In all the years here I haven't had a problem that could not be solved with a cup of coffee and a civilised discussion. Not many places in the world I could name that has that sort of attraction.

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  9. nwlivewire

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    Dear Wrye83:

    In my research for living around the world, there aren't many choices for folks to go to outside the US if they are under age 35.

    Some nations can make exceptions to policy IF you are one of those "uber rich" folks and under age 35. In that case, those types of uber-rich "trust fund babies" and Facebook guys can go most anywhere they please.

    But for the everyday, average US Jane or Joe under age 35, about the only thing I've found is using another nation's student Visa as a way to get one's foot in the door. In some countries, when you graduate with a degree that is recognized in the country you are using their student Visa on, some countries WILL convert that VISA to a residency VISA (temporary-permanent) -- you may get a job, have a skill that nation can use, etc., etc. In the research I've done, in most cases, converting to a temp/perm residency VISA is a step that has to be requested by the Student VISA holder -- it is not an automatic thing.

    BLUF: The easiest way I've discovered for the non-millionaire, US Veteran and under age 35 crowd is to use the Post 9/11 GI Bill in your country of choice (which is of course, limited to the Schools that are already GI Bill approved - but there are several hundreds to choose from), and then go for a degree program that is "credentialed" (validly accredited) for that country. It is possible to get a dually accredited degree (US and country where one is attending). This can often open up the doors to residency in not only the nation where the student was attending and awarded that degree, but CAN also open up residency options to other nations as well (ASEAN/SCHENGEN agreement nations). This notion of having a regionally accepted degree appears to be gaining traction in the ASEAN nations (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam).


    Here is a website a Post 9/11 GI Bill person can look at which lists countries that have branch campuses outside their nation. If the US Vet HAS to get a US accredited degree, look under the "Home Country" Column and you will see all the US educational systems that currently have a location in a "Host" nation. This site is updated regularly for add-ons/drop-offs.

    » Branch Campus

    Some locations WILL be limited to types of majors offered and levels of degrees offered (i.e., that location will offer a Masters or higher - or maybe offer a BA or BS in limited majors of study).

    Once you find a school or two or three, then go to this website to see if you can use your GI Bill at that location. Remember, there are several hundreds of foreign schools around the world that are already GI Bill approved -- and yes, you can apply to have your field of study approved if it is not already approved -- but that takes time for the VA to go through the approval process).

    WEAMS Public


    Wrye83, I'm just putting this bit of information out here as I don't know if this is something you have an interest in or not. But I do know this GI Bill card can be a card to play that a lot folks have in their hands, but are not told or realize/recognize the "Wild Card" value it can truly become if played wisely.


    As an aside, I did my research on Guam. It can be an expensive place to live (rent)! The upside to Guam for the US Vet is that one can use the VA system there. As a US territory, Medicare is usable. If you're a military retiree with retiree ID card, you have access to lower cost groceries, medical care, gasoline, "Space A" travel - all that regular stuff you get as retiree "perks" can be had on Guam.

    If you want to use your 9/11 GI Bill in Guam, the housing subsidy is at 2,450 USD p/month for full-time attendance (19,600 USD tax-free per 8 month school year). About 15,680 USD tax free if attending at 3/4 time status (the VA has to pay out at 80% of full-time rate if you are attending at 3/4 time as the VA has to "round up" to the nearest 0 percentile - so 75% attendance rate become 80% for subsidy pay purposes). Plus, you get many, many choices for majors/minors and get a US recognized degree. AND, you're a short hop back to the Philippines (regular flights).

    There is a PNB branch in Guam and the world's largest K-Mart is there, too (who would have thought?).

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    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
  10. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    LMFAO.... That's a few of the reasons I bought a boat and got the hell out of Hawaii after surviving there ten years. Oh what a great decision I made!!!!:1cheers:
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