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“If you want to be critical go ahead, that never accomplices anything.”

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by simple mind, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    So you see more foreigners moving in? That was your question, can they live a more comfortable life here or in the US? I would say yes and no. It really depends o the what a person considers comfort to be. As for you noticing more moving in from the US, well I'd say that has to do with the baby boomers (if you don't know what that is google it) reaching retirement age. I would it's not an increase in percentage leaving the US though. The US currently has an excess of elderly in the country. Once they are gone I suspect you will seem to think people are leaving the Philippines in record numbers.

    As for the government screwing over its service members, you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. If anything they go far above helping their employees than any private sector company would. Please stop commenting on military benefits and pay, you REALLY have no clue what you are talking about.
  2. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    Onlymichael, one of the many freedoms that Americans enjoy is the freedom to leave if they choose to do so. Many of us have made that choice for as many different reasons as there are expats. You also have a choice concerning the US, just don't go there. Obviously where you currently live is much better, so rejoice in your good fortune to be born in a place that you truely love to live. Please do not ruin your bliss by visits, travel, or work in the US---you DO have that choice. Fortunately, you can avail yourself of the excellent health care in your local community and never have to worry about being "dumped in skid row" with all the little old ladies of LA!!!
  3. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    No, I was home PatO, but hydrating at Bogarts and Why Not would have been a much better idea than responding to some of the "quality posts" on the forum!
  4. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    i still think its your pride as an American that's eating you that you can't handle the truth. So what's your say now with obamas cat food law? It appears to me that he wants the American pay to pay more to pay off the debts which means his gonna stitch them up even more.

    you Americans pay as much taxes as other European countries and even in Australia but you don't get free healthcare and education. Where else do you think all the taxpayers money go? Well the thing is, some of you hasn't been back to America for a long time so some of you probably don't know what's going on and what's the life is there like now.

    You can consider yourselves lucky and I'm hoping the others can still have the same "benefits" and "privilege" as you guys have. While your countrymen will be eating cat food in the coming years.

    @trtravller: btw, a lot of Americans have lost their jobs and have gone to the Philippines eg call centre is one of them I just don't understand what made you say that Philippines are loosing foreigner investors when they've been a lot of foreign brands been building new building throughout Cebu and Manila. Eg brothers, canon, and many more their expansion. Maybe you should look u Japan investing in Philippines then you can read it for yourself. :-)
  5. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Its better to sugarcoat it and still think that USA is just as good as what it was back then. Some people just can't handle the truth because ages ago, USA was said to be an invincible country now the country is down on the ground and its people is still not waking up from that fact oh well...it all comes down to pride.

    i have been told the same thing that they won't give you medical care if you don't have a health insurance that will cover the cost. It's basically just as bad as the healthcare in Philippines that if you don't have money you get treated like sh*t... The poor people are the ones that needs more care because their the less fortunate ones but the government doesn't want to take that seriously because the politicians have never tried that once in their life they've been very ill and stuck in a hospital where they've been refused treatment but if they ever have, their views of no healthcare may have changed. Where as in Australia, the hospital will get sued if you refuse care to the patient, free healthcare here is just as good as a first class hospital in philippines. you get looked after pretty well regardless of who you are, your race and nationality. even medications are covered by the government if you don't have the means of income to pay for it.
  6. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Not quite true. In the US a hospital MUST give emergency medical care to anyone who needs it, even to the desperate Filipino illegal immigrants, whether they have money/insurance or not. That is nothing like the Philippines where one can bleed to death in the lobby while waiting for your credit card to clear.

  7. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Yes like a temporary relief for the patient but further medical services and be able to treat them for them to get better without a private health insurance? Because that is what iam trying to emphasise here. What good is it if your just given a temporary relief and not treat your properly? They should treat patients for them to get better and so they can go back to work and start paying the hospital bills or better yet free healthcare after all they're paying taxes too.

    i remember an American movie where I think it was denzel Washington had to hostage hospital employees for them to treat his som because his son is fighting for his life because of heart problems and he needs heart transplant and that's very expensive and they're waiting for him to come up with the money so they can start the operation. So are you telling me that these sort of things don't happen in America? Or American movies are just trying to ruin the American image to the public? Lucky it's didn't start any angry rioters.
  8. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    JOHN Q BY DENZEL WASHINGTON is the movie. His son was admitted in the hospital, he was diagnosed of having a heart problems and must undergo a heart transplant as soon as possible but because his private health insurance won't cover it they didn't put his son in the waiting list instead they keep the boy there giving him temporary relief unless he comes up with the money for the surgery so he resorted to take the hospital employees as hostages to have his son's surgery. It was a heartbreaking movie.
  9. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    So what you are saying is you gain your knowledge of life in the US on movies. What a surprise.
  10. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I am an American but have had a residence in many countries including Belgium, Austria, England, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and the Philippines, as well as worked in about 20 other countries and I was never quite as comfortable in any of those countries as I was in the U.S. Not sure why, maybe because I lived in southern California where life is what I call easy in spite of its flaws. So omitting politics I think it comes down to where you are most comfortable. Or perhaps because I never let any of the issues being brought up on this thread concern me.
    I can see why Aussies and Swiss could have their comfort levels in those easy-to-live-in countries. So it is interesting to me to hear other's opinions and criticism of the U.S.
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