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“If you want to be critical go ahead, that never accomplices anything.”

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by simple mind, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    I have friends over there that complains of how much money they spent on health insurance it gets more expensive as you get older. The USA is just too busy focusing on wars than anything else. A lot of people seems to be struggling just to be able to survive there especially during the recession. I felt sorry for them.
  2. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    @wrye: unfortunately what you guys did to those countries now they're coming back to get even... Retribution and many innocent people who don't deserve to suffer have suffered. Innocent lives that have been lost when its not really necessary.

    america is just so consumed of showing POWER, all these years that's what they were trying to prove to the world unfortunately the country is sinking and it's going to go down. Now the question is, who will back them up if a country like china or North Korea wants to start a war? Of all these crazy wars going over the years I'm sure a lot of people have been left still furious especially those loved ones are being taken from them.

    maybe it's about time the people should start being remorseful and have a second thought that everything is not about power, nor the need to fight to prove that they're invincible. Just my two cents though
  3. Charlie

    Charlie DI Senior Member Restricted Account Veteran Coast Guard

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    @ns. Remorseful ? I think you need to go back in history a bit. Have you forgotten or don't know what the Japanese and Germans ( Nazis) did during WW11 ? They brutally and savagely killed millions of innocent people. Do you think the U.S., Britain, and other allies should have just stepped back and let it happen ? Had they, the Philippines would all be speaking Japanese now. Be careful what you wish for kiddo. I agree that the U.S. is involved in far too many countries wars now a days, but getting our politicians to listen is like talking to the wall, same as any other country. Really big money is made out of wars by a few, and that goes for many countries, not just the U.S.. Stop big business from prospering from war and that may help. let me know how to do that, O.K. ? The U.S. is far from perfect but has done more to promote freedom than most. And Freedom is "not free ". This is just my opinion as an old moldy U.S. Military Veteran. As far as U.S. health care costs, yes they are way out of whack, but you do know that the medical industry is just that, an industry, big business for profit. It also has cutting edge medical technology, all at a great cost. health care is not free in any country. So, how much are any of us willing to spend to perhaps prolong our life a bit, and is it worth it ? Does a cancer doctor really want a "cure" for cancer ? Of course that would put them out of business. Life is a disease that we catch at birth and it has killed many of my friends, and I can pretty much guarantee life will kill everyone eventually. So, tell me, how much are you willing to spend on health care ? North Korea is a drop in the bucket kiddo, without help they don't have enough weapons to do squat, nor food, so no threat there. Hopefully the nut cakes in power in N.K. won't also get most of the innocents there killed. Life is short, make the best of it, it's not perfect and likely never will be. Have a great day. Oh, and by the way, the U.S. is not going to go down. It may have taken on a little water but we have survived much worse things and will survive again. Don't believe everything you read, here or see on the news. They are also trying to sell a product with drama or they have an agenda. Have a great day.
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  4. flxibl2006

    flxibl2006 DI Member

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    I agree Charlie, people can criticize and throw facts around all day, verbally beat the crap out of any country they want and in the end it means nothing. It will accomplish nothing and it will change nothing. If a person is upset about what a country or nation is doing, tell me what are you going to actually do about it except complain? For me, better to focus on the good things in life and enjoy it. I am much more comfortable and happy here than I ever was in the U.S. so I choose to stay here, simple as that. This place reminds me of what I think the U.S. may have been like a hundred years ago with mostly friendly, helpful people, and good family values. There are numerous things that could be done differently here for convenience but at what cost to jobs and livelihood? Automation, comfort and convenience have cost many countries the backbone of their workforce. Bash the USA all you want, I know full well the problems there, I was born there and lived there 47 years. As well I know the great contributions that the USA has made to the world. What change will come from complaining? There is no accountability in government, obviously.
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  5. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    To simple mind and nice sherwood

    Perhaps you are correct concerning the criticism of the US and it's foreign policy. All of the US's actions as a World's policeman can certainly be viewed as imperialistic---except that the US has not "exacted" tribute,nor raped the countries resources (read--oil), nor done much except rebuild infrastructure, ie, roads, power, schools, wells for water, etc. I agree with you---imperialism!!! We should have stayed at home, no question.

    It may make much more sense to withdraw all our troop from EVERYWHERE, including Mindanao, and place them on the US/Mexico border. Additionally, our carrier fleets (read VERY expensive) could be brought back to the US to do drug interdiction or just scrap them. If we ceased ALL foreign aid to all nations , excepting Israel, closed the US borders to EVERYONE who did not bring some skill or sufficient investment capital that the US needs, then we we certainly not be so imperialistic and offensive to all the other nations.

    When there is an earthquake, famine, civil war or tsnuami---call the UN ---AFTER the US has withdrawn its 25% financial support, political clout and military might from that failed organization.

    Any terrorist activities by muslim militants in the US should result in the "nuking" of Mecca and Medina, as well as the capitals of all nations who's citizens were involved.

    Since isolationism is the opposite of imperialism---I think you may have an excellent idea, if it is implimented properly. Keep all US military and US aid AT HOME!!! Most American would WELCOME the change in immigration demographics and the subsequent boost to their economy.
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  6. MalmoMan

    MalmoMan Guest Guest User

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    USA is already down and falling deeper. The next 10 years of crises and betrayal of the American people, will show if it ever will rise again. Best years ever in American history was from 1975 to 2003 and it will never come back. The new generation in USA is far from what the old one stood for......But good luck anyway! To many dreamers nowadays, we need doers. DoiT Doit Doit!
  7. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    To just not look at the problem will not make me feel any better and I hope it's the same for you, if I would not have started this thread than we would not get this many opinions...
    That's where it becomes interesting, like "CharlieT" wrote, the US helped save the World but it benefited greatly from it and has indeed no reason for remorse...
    It's just this careless kind of live the Americans enjoyed while the rest of the World was recovering from the Wars, that makes the non Americans feel remorseful...
  8. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    If, I, as a Country could print as much Money as I wanted and would not have to justify it's use, I could have done the same but WHY is America the Country that can print all this money, because of a stunt in a summer regression in the US Government, were a small group pushed a new law, to create the FED...
    You had a lot of time to fix that, why nobody fought against this plunder of your so precious Governmental system...
  9. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    I think ALL governments print their own money, not just the U.S.
  10. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    But the US prints :greedy:, who would want Pesos?
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