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“If you want to be critical go ahead, that never accomplices anything.”

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by simple mind, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    My point only to the American people especially the ones that have worked in the military and still working is...

    how does it feel for you to spend your life sacrificing not being with your family in most occasions for the love of your country only to get $1000-2000 dollars a month worth of pension. You can't live with that especially in America, PLUS NO healthcare and education? when your old, the private health insurance will be asking you x loads of money just to cover you. now, are they kidding themselves? You have made sacrifices to your country and I don't see it being reciprocated. In my world, that is just not right.

    I don't understand why you people signed up for it only to get screwed over at the end. Not being around your wives when she was pregnant and even when she delivered your first born because your on duty, didn't attend your son or daughters graduation because your fighting in some other countries, did you guys ever ask yourselves if it was worth it? Because I just don't think it is.

    The money your government giving their pensioners is just money. I don't care what anyone else say but I just don't think it's fair and the right thing to do. Not to people who spent all their lives sacrificing and fighting for their country.
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    NS, I believe you are very misinformed about military pensions. Also take into consideration that you can retire from the military at 38 (join at 18 spend 20 years in). Most people in the civilian sector don't get such a pension plan. The military is an awesome deal for anyone willing to serve the time. You think at 38 most people are going to kick back and relax? No, most go on and use their experience the gained from the military and take a high paying job (and the military pension to boot). I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the military. They give an opportunity to learn a trade (on the job experience), learn leadership skills, and offer a pension that only a few in the private sector can match (and many of them are in financial problems for offering such a pension). They also offer free college courses while you are in and then pay a large chunk of your college and living allowance once you are out through the GI Bill. I am not aware of ANY private company that offers the same. You are also misinformed to think that soldiers will spend the majority of their time away from their families, minus the deployments (which is something you know will happen when you join), the military has on base housing that you can move your family into. Or they give you an option to pay for your rent and food if you want to live off base.

    You paint a picture the the US is a bunch of poor, uneducated, drooling morons. You also don't seem to understand the complexity and need of international relations. I say I don't want my tax money overseas but in reality I do understand the need for maintaining allies throughout the world. While you might have a bad opinion of the US and the people most government leaders do not (for good or bad reasons). I invite you to go to the US and see what it is really like. I bet you will be very surprised.
  3. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Yes wrye83, you can spend 20 yrs in and I don't care if It was even less, the question is.... Within that period how sure are you that you will be out alive? What they teaches the military is a good thing I have no problem with that, my only problem is I believe that what they're giving these retired soldiers are not enough! It's ridiculous! I have never said anything about us being a bunch of poor, uneducated, drooling morons, I just don't believe that they are looking after their citizens after all their hardwork and being screwed over.

    I have not said anything bad about the people, scroll up and read it again. I said your government didn't appreciate too much what you guys have sacrificed for your country.

    So you really are telling me that a pensioners income over there, you can live as comfortable as living in Philippines? Because that's all I need to know, because if it does then why am I seeing more and more expats moving in Philippines? I'm sure it's not about security, if it was women, they can always bring their gfs on fiancée visa or wives for spousal visa. Why didn't they? The food in Philippines is not as good as the quality of food in America, environment wise, it's sickening because of the pollution and population now tell me please... WHY?
  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    The military is not as dangerous as people like to make it sound. You increase your odds if you are infantry, but most people do not hold this job in the military. You are speaking of things you know not of. If you took your standard military unit, stuck them in Afghanistan for a year and then in the US for a year, you will see almost the exact same death rate. Statistically you are more likely to die driving on the interstate than in current war zones. I spent 3 years in Afghanistan and 1 and a half years in Iraq. Yes, had some close calls, but I've far more close calls (and even one direct hit) driving here in the Philippines.

    You do know the money the US sends overseas is equivalent to you taking the homeless kid to a local eatery and buying him a 40 peso meal right? It really is chump change compared to the entire US government spending.
  5. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Your avoiding my questions wrye83, just please answer it then we will proceed :-) ps, you can easily get killed in Philippines if your driving like a lunatic because it only takes a small mistake and you'll end up dead there :-)
  6. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    Your willngness to comment on the US military pay scale and benefits while being so astonishglly ignorant of the facts was well answered by Wrye83; however, I would like to address a non-financial component of "service" to one's Country. Since you have obviously never served, you have no concept of the pride most former military personale have in the fact that they "Served"! They gave of themselves, put their bodies and futures at risk and swore to defend the concept and pricipals of the United States as defined inthe Consititution. Even those Vietnam era veterans who were reviled by their peers and often forgotten by their govt., when asked if the would serve again, knowing the results, over 70% answered "without question"! Pension pay and lifetime medical care are only a part of what the veterans gain from their service, because only those who retired from the military receive those, but ALL who served carry the inner pride of "doing their part".
  7. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    Okay so let me ask you, it's okay to get screwed over by your government just as long as you have this what u call as PRIDE? And it's okay to leave your beloved country to live somewhere else because you can't afford it because your government that you've been protecting is not giving you enough to survive on and it's okay to struggle just as long as you keep your PRIDE? Fair enough.

    well if that's the case that since you have served and you believe that your government is doing the right thing by you then that's fine. Actually that's cool. But if I was in your position, I won't do it, not if the reason why I have to sacrifice my life and will be screwed over at the end by the same reason. But that's your choice and your thoughts and I respect that.

    ps: you didn't answer my question though re back up your statement where foreign investors shifted to investing other countries rather than philippines :-)

    the fact about the us military is they don't get paid enough when they retire to support themselves and their families if your talking about living in America. The fact about America is they're too engrossed of wars instead of spending it to their own people eg free education, healthcare, less taxes. The fact about American government is, they're too busy throwing away taxpayers money and looking after non citizens other than their own. The fact about Americans is, they're putting up with this dysfunctional government. This is what I think.

    and your defending what? A dysfunctional government. Just as bad as Filipinos putting up with the politicians bs and dramas
  8. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    @tlrttaveller: I may not have served but if I have i'd
    make sure ill protect the people that deserves to be protected and I will take pride for that IF the people I'm protecting are doing the right thing by me and to everyone.
  9. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    I hope that you can accept this source as reliable:Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In 1908, Congress enacted the Aldrich-Vreeland Act, which provided for an emergency currency and established the National Monetary Commission to study banking and currency reform.[143] The National Monetary Commission returned with recommendations which were repeatedly rejected by Congress. A revision crafted during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island by Senator Aldrich and representatives of the nation's top finance and industrial groups later became the basis of the Federal Reserve Act.[144][145] The House voted on December 22, 1913, with 298 yeas to 60 nays, and the Senate voted 43–25 on December 23, 1913.[146] President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill later that day.[147]
    The original Aldrich Plan was dealt a fatal blow in 1912, when Democrats won the White House and Congress.[148] Nonetheless, President Woodrow Wilson believed that the Aldrich plan would suffice with a few modifications. The plan became the basis for the Federal Reserve Act, which was proposed by Senator Robert Owen in May 1913. The primary difference between the two bills was the transfer of control of the Board of Directors (called the Federal Open Market Committee in the Federal Reserve Act) to the government.[2][140] The bill passed Congress on December 23, 1913,[150][151] on a mostly partisan basis, with most Democrats voting "yea" and most Republicans voting "nay".[140]

    The Federal Reserve System has faced various criticisms since its inception in 1913. These criticisms include the assertions that the Federal Reserve System violates the United States Constitution and that it impedes economic prosperity. Critic Miranda Fleschert contends that the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks (as opposed to the entire Federal Reserve System) consider themselves to be private corporations with private funding.[175] The movement to audit the Federal Reserve System has gained national traction; a bill related to the movement was passed through the House of Representatives in 2012.[176] Many critics see auditing the Federal Reserve System as a means of gaining insight into an institution they contend has historically had little to no transparency, that has acted without congressional approval or oversight, and that has the power to create and loan U.S. dollars based on a monetary policy determined by its own interests[177]

    Always happy to assist to fight ignorance...
  10. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    I wrongly remembered it to be the summer recession but it was in winter...

    "tlrtraveler", all the wars that were fought and won by the victor, always brought the produce of the victor onto the market of the loser nations, the losers had/have no means to produce, so the victor brings his own goods to sale to the inhabitants of the loser nation.
    So for example in the Philippines the Americans were the victors(not of the Filipinos but of the Japanese), so after the war all mayor corporations from the US started to supply the goods for the Philippines, as soon as the situation was calm this said corporations build manufacturing facilities in the country and dominated with that the market.
    That's why, as some of you will remember we had this funny situation were any "Toothpaste" would be called "Colgate", any "Camera" would be called "Kodak", or the "Shampoo" is "Sunlight" and so fort...
    Even to day you can still identify many US Brands here, like "Nabisco", "Rebisco", "Clorox", "Bic"etc.
    This companies got very favorable conditions from the Government because they represented hight quality products from the US and the USA saved them from the Japanese, they pay taxes here I guess but the provits are going back to the mother companies in the US...
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