I'm not in the position to, but anyway, You're forgiven. X lol!
Best Posts in Thread: Implementing Rules and Guidelines for Enhanced Quarantine
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Just got our passes. We have 5 families in the complex, got 2 passes, each a different color, so it gives us 4 days to get out. Landlord said he would put it in small box and if we need one just take it then replace it. I have a color printer, to bad I don't have a laminator, I could make more. All the lamination stores are closed I think.
- Informative x 2
Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Hope this helps. As I have said, not enough resources to implement the "Plan". From my apartment in Daro I have a straight shot to the Blvd, which gives me access to all of the shopping with no checkpoint to play with. Good thing too, Day 1, no passes.
Planning and logistics, not a real strong point here.- Agree x 2
- Thanks x 2
- I was wondering about that too! x 1
We got our QP today here in Sibulan, it was printed on what was sort of a blueish paper, and I asked the lady if this was a color code blue pass. She said to me, "no sir, we're not doing the color coding, you can just go out any day that you need to". hmmmm ... okay??
- Thanks x 1
- Informative x 1
- Funny x 1
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