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Best Posts in Thread: Infant Swimming Lessons?

  1. barryrio

    barryrio DI Member

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    I did much the same. Started my daughter in a small inflatable splash pool at 3 or 4 months old. Worked up to flotation jacket in the kids pool at Bambulo when she was around 16 months old and simply supported her under her belly and let her thrash around. Slow easy progress - play rather than instruction. Now, at just under 5 years of age she is like a fish. Can swim on the surface or under water with total confidence. Nevertheless I am always right beside her just to be sure. But the key is enjoyment and fun IMHO. Then she will be motivated to learn!
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  2. Pompolino

    Pompolino DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Agree! I am from Australia where it is usual to start swimming lessons as soon as possible. Often parent and baby classes (given by a trained instructor). In almost 60 years of living in Australia (and having a wide circle of friends) I went to one funeral of a drowned child - let me tell you attending a child's funeral is one of the worst experiences ever. Living here for just less than 5 years (and having a narrow circle of friends) I have been to (or know the parents of) 4 children who have drowned. Kids are not generally given "learn to swim" classes here - in a country where, by definition you live on an island and therefore have water all around. It makes no sense to me and I applaud anyone trying to make a difference to this.

    I used to swim at Aqua Swimming Pool each morning and there were a number of teachers there usually teaching the older kids about stroke correction but I am sure if you asked the receptionist/cashier at the beginning she could give you some telephone numbers to try. These teachers were trained but whether that training extended to infant child safety - I do not know. I never saw infants being trained but agree you should make every effort to get your child water safe. If you do find a solution please OP would you inform the forum as others may now or later be looking for the same solution.
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  3. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Must admit I had the same thoughts. Why use a trainer when you can teach them yourself and its all part of parent child bonding too. Leave the trainer until later when you need to improve technique for proper swimming if you will, but please. do the initial reaching yourself.
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  4. EandN

    EandN DI Member

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    I don't know.
    My son turns 1 year old in a few days time and I want him to learn to swim asap. Does anybody know of any swimming instructors for babies? I heard Siliman has a pool and instructors but have no idea if this is correct or not. Any advice where I might find a tutor?
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