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Is it possible?

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by StokiePhill, Mar 26, 2011.

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  1. StokiePhill

    StokiePhill DI New Member

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    Hello to all reading this message
    It has been my intention for some time now to retire in June and take up residence in Dumaguete.
    I have recently received a revised pension statement and due to an issue with me breaking my service and rejoining my employer I will not be receiving the amount of pension I thought I would.
    I am now unfortunately only looking to be receiving something in the region of £450.00 per month.

    I have had long term contact with a lady who lives in Dumaguete and she thinks that we can live on that amount of money, I am not so sure?? and was wondering if anyone can possibly offer any advise.

    I realise that we all want different things and live different life styles, I am not looking for luxury but I do not want to live in a hovel and struggle from one month to the next to make ends meet.

    Is £450.00 {$720 peso I think around 32,000} enough?

    Hope someone can offer an opinion?
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    well, there are people here doing that, but honestly, when I talk to some I just hear them lying to themselves about how happy they are and looking at me with huge eyes when I tell something about a trip to Siquijor (what is one of the cheapest trips you can do).

    They are definitely struggling from month to month and life a lot on utang. That has nothing to do with luxury but with 32,000 for 2 people you ain't do much next to sitting at home or and will have a big problem to keep a minimum standard in your life.
  3. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    There is no place like home.

    One man's hovel is another man's castle and here there are a lot of castles. The majority of people here live on less than that but they were born here and focus on day to day survival. They can do many things you cannot or will not do.

    This was a great question and you really need to look at your situation and weigh all options and make an informed decision. Read some of the older posts on health care, starting a business, owning land or a home and you will start to learn what it takes to survive here. Have you visited yet? You really need to if you want to learn what you are getting yourself into. In the end the decision is yours.
  4. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    I am sorry to hear about what has happened to your pension but the simple answer is no. You can rent a place for $100 or so but almost all your other expenses will be comparable. You could survive but honestly most western prisons feed better than what poor Filipinos survive on.
  5. bounty98

    bounty98 DI Member

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    So we are talking about the two of you living on this? That would be very very tough and certainly not something you could commit to. Honestly the guys I have known living on that kind of budget have done it by being very fugal and have done it alone. I am sure she a wonderful person but do not expect her to be objective about this since I assume you two have been planning it together. Off the top of my head and depending on her expectations I think you should have closer to twice that for even a reasonable standard of living
  6. ruanard

    ruanard DI Junior Member

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    i presume you are moving from the uk?
    personlally the answer is no matey
    maybe in the province regions like mindano where its still cheap to live but u need to know your area as still lots of problems in certain areas
    i have a load business which generates 30k a month, barely enough for my gf to survive there, u would need about €200 a week 12000 pesos to have a decent standard
    my 2cents
    now going to watch england v wales in the fotball
    was lucky to be in dublin last week to see us hammer the english in the ruigby
  7. Firefly44

    Firefly44 DI Forum Adept

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    Hi Stokiephill. I have just looked at your previous post from May 2010. Your question is answered by some others there.


    I have read on other forums of expats retireing in the Philippines and being content on under $1000. One example below.

    2011 Philippines monthly living expenses

    We are all different in our needs. Your contact in dumaguete will know if she and yourself could be happy on your amount. When your OA pension is due 66?67?68?
    your monthly income will be boosted by 25% ish.
    I wish you well, be sure to visit the Philippines first before you make your nest.
    Take best care to you and all.
  8. bounty98

    bounty98 DI Member

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    interesting link...understand that is an estimated budget not something he had achieved. I never bothered with a budget until I got married, boy how that changes things! lol. Its not so much that I budget now but more try to keep track of where the money goes. I would say the range is between $1,000-1,500. Understand you do still need some savings, things like health care take cash payments. Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is inflation which I believe is running better than 4% currently. That is what troubles me in terms of budgeting. Rising food costs particularly concern me
  9. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    Back in the early 90's I lived on about $600 a month for a while. I had a house so no rent but 2 kids in school. We made it, but it wasn't pretty. One year I overspent on Christmas presents so if friends had not invited us to dinner it would have been dry fish and rice.
  10. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Only Once!

    :eek: Crisky Kenny, my lady does this every year and it takes all year to put it right, just in time for her to do it again. :D

    Jack P.:wink:
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