Card Games! Card games are usually played by all Countries! Give us a clue to the game and maybe you will get an answer! It may be one word in French/German but another in another language my friend! You Never know until you try! Jack P.
Hahahaha JP.....that's funny. You askede Linushuber to mention the name of the card game. I'm quite convinced it is called "jassen" :D Look to the heading of his posting Jassen it is also called in my country I believe. We know a game in the Netherlands calles Klaver jassen. Maybe that is the same game, but Im not a card game player. Only when my honey insists (otherwise no ....., you know) I will join a game here.
Don't know about Jassen, but I've been looking for years heah for someone to play Bourré with. For those that don't know, Bourre' is a coon-@ss game similar to poker.
mm Jellyfish! I was looking and looking at what had made you laugh, Then it hit me, He He, Jelly I asked for a clue to the GAME not the name. Manzanita did it a little later when he sent his post about Bourre' A game similar to Poker, This is what I was getting at. We will get there in the End. Jack P. :D
Jass is a group of games, so Jassen is generally taken to mean playing any of these games. It appears to have originated in the Netherlands and arrived in Switzerland in the 18th century. There are slight variations to the rules, according to the country in which it is being played, and the Swiss version is particularly popular in the German speaking cantons of Switzerland. In Swiss Jass there are 36 cards in the pack, and each pack has four suits, consisting of Bells, Shields, Acorns and Flowers. In its simplest form, the object of the game is to try and take the most tricks, similar to the game of trumps.The highest card played takes the trick, unless it is trumped. But unlike all other card games, Swiss Jass is played in an anti-clockwise direction. There are French, German, Dutch and even American versions of the game, which means that some of the "face" cards can be different, but basically the idea of the game is the same in most countries. As an English Brit, I tried playing a German version when I was attached to a Bundeswehr Jaeger Battalion in Sonthofen, Bavaria in the 1970's, and I could never win !!! But it was always played with huge quantities of beer so I did have an excuse.:D If you put "card games jassen" in to Google, it should give you a whole lot of info on the subject.
OH! That game is also played in Spain! I do not understand it! But it is a Latino game of some earnings in a monetary sense. No good saying NON Swiss do not Reply my friend. No card game ever, is just related to ONE country! Hence my original Question. You may call it Jassen there but in Spain it is the same game by another Name. Jack P. :(
Here is a short explanation of 'Jassen' on english WIKI: Jass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia If LinusHuber is unsuccessful finding players I have here some online 'Jass Spiele': Stöck-Wiis-Stich
er, why??? I figured my post would give a helpful explanation, but as I am not Swiss then disregard it.!!!!!!!!!