Dumaguete Info Search

Just a few questions -

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by savetheseamonkeys, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. savetheseamonkeys

    savetheseamonkeys DI New Member

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    OK OK... Im *Jonesin'* for some info before I tousch ground -

    Best Bank (service/largest ATM network)? Can I open an acct? Saftey box?

    Availability of low end Scotch whisky, what is/are names of quality Rum?

    Dentist in Dumagute or Cebu? The best!!

    Best SIM for Visayas and larger cities also to call USA?

    Flat/Pension House long term for about 8000?

    How safe/dangerous it is to drive a small motorcycle in Duma or on the island?
    Can I obtain a lics (Phils)?
    On balance in Asia it is my opinion - not safe.
    Insurance costs?

    Do I need wear long pants into Immigration office still these days (I think I asked before and I think the ans was yes)? Will any long-ish pants due? What about sandals, proper nike sandals (not bath thongs)? Do I need photos to extend my tourist visa? How many?

    Cost for trike transport: 5 min, under 10 min, 15 min, long haul - roughly

  2. patrick

    patrick DI New Member

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    alot of questions. For Immigrations wear long pants specially if u hav to go to cebu office. I hav honda 600 tooo big for the city so use a honda 110 and is ok just be careful. I drive a crosswind in town only hav been hit by one motorcycle and 5 trikes in one year. I go to dentist in Lee Plaza second floor but hav heard the dentist are much better in Cebu. I bank with BPI but i might change to BDO seems to hav alot of atms specially sm malls in the cities since bdo is owned by sm. I use skype for my calls to the states. U can get drivers lics at the LTO but expect 6 months. Talk to insurance agents they can cut some of the red tape for u. Rum is everywere and cheap whiskey might be different story but there are good liquor stores in Lee plaza and Hypermart. Insurance i got health insurance at caritis cost about 100 dollars a month insurance for motorcyle is not too bad
  3. shiba

    shiba DI Member

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    Sorry I keep thinking and thinking but just could not figure out what BDO stands for:confused: ...could you please enlighten? Thanks.
  4. TUYOM

    TUYOM DI Member

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    hi shiba, its banco de oro and henry sy is one of the owner.hope this helps?
  5. shiba

    shiba DI Member

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    Tuyom, thanks...it sure helped:smile: