Kabir cockerels for sale we've got 2 extra kabir cockerels that are approaching breeding age, one is pure white and the other sports the classic red rooster plumage. they were purchased as day old chicks at an agrivet in duma and we raised them free range with a bit of whole grain mix morning and evening. we don't have any extra kabir pullets but we will include a younger kabir x native pullet or cockerel with each rooster. there's been another kabir rooster roaming in the area for a couple of years so the crosses could be the real thing. the kabir cockerels are about 6 months old and the kabir x natives are about 3 months old. p500 for a kabir cockerel and a k x n pullet (buyer picks up)
Norm, why don't you explain the good qualities of the Kabirs chickens for those who may not have run across them before. They are a searched out species of chicken for many, and not always available around Dumaguete.
well... there's plenty of chicken exspurts on the web and that's probably the best place to learn about the kabirs but i can give ya a couple of my observations/experiences. 1st off, i don't find them to be any bigger than the chickens back home (rhode island reds, barred rocks and the like) unless maybe you cage them and force feed them. our birds run free all day. some of our hens have laid as many as 90 eggs before taking a 1 month breather or going broody so they're pretty good egg chickens. and they make pretty good mom's but not as good as the natives and they're not as disease resistant as the natives, most of which are raised the ''survival of the fittest'' method. an jfi... i was reading about raising heritage pigs and i find the kabirs similar to other heritage farm animals in that they've been ''bred'' for too many generations and they've lost some of their natural heritage characteristics. for instance, our original birds (group 1) were hatchery birds and didn't have a mom to teach them the finer points of being free range chickens. and our group 1 roosters didn't know how to do his rooster duties (screw and that kinda stuff). some of the hens didn't go broody and they also vary in body types and egg sizes. we raised one pullet from a group 1 hen before we lost our good rooster and she is producing now. we bought our 2nd group of hatchery birds (eight chicks) hoping to get a productive rooster, four of the bunch turned out to be roosters, two of which we'll keep. the other two roosters are too good to butcher and we hope to find new homes for them. in general, Kabirs are pretty mellow birds and some of them love to be held and stroked and they taste like chicken,....
where are you based ?????? interested in deed had lots of kabir, but they would never breed ..........so they went the way of the dodo....................but would love to get some that would breed
jeeezzzz, sorry i didn't see ur response until today, i sent you a pm. i'll replace any bird that doesn't breed and you can eat the dud. actually all our birds bred but we gave 4 month old birds to several of the neighbors and some of them didn't perform, could be the feed (or lack of)?
A little bit off topic but I just had to say something. Food is most important. Also take a look at your neighbors dogs and children.
[JEEZ MAN SORRY back in town now, if any good to you ...............reply here or pm me please [/QUOTE] hay shotshaper... we don't have any extra pure breds now but do we have a good selection of cross breed cockerels (real SCREWBALLS),. in fact two are going into the freezer on thursday and another two in the upcoming weeks. we also have some fresh pullets. pm me if you're still interested. by not breeding, do you mean: not laying? not brooding? or???
hay shotshaper... we don't have any extra pure breds now but do we have a good selection of cross breed cockerels (real SCREWBALLS),. in fact two are going into the freezer on thursday and another two in the upcoming weeks. we also have some fresh pullets. pm me if you're still interested. by not breeding, do you mean: not laying? not brooding? or???[/QUOTE] i had some "ROOSTERS BEFORE, and i think they were the san francisco kind", my plan was they would do the old filthy mc nasty with the with the hens.................i would still be waiting but either way i will pm you now thanks