Another thought on this topic. Crime strted well before any of us reading this came into this world (Cain and Able). Bullies, revenge, and exploitation have been around since about the same time. The difference is how the information is relayed. CNN started in 1980 and was able to cover national news (but not everyone had cable). Before that if a crime occured it would be a local news story but really didn't go much farther. No e-mail, no twitter, even a long distance phone call was cost prohibitive, so what person is going to share a story about what is on the 5 o'clock news when paying for every minute? Before TV it was the local gazette (news paper) that would print stories and local crime reports, again keeping such tragedies locally. Now, a kid takes a knife to school in London and 20 min later the people in California want to orgonize and protest against the manufacturer (mild exaggeration but just making a point).
Your Grand Parents could not have said that about your generation as there was no social media, MTV, TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Internet, nor Gadgets such as cell phones, pagers and black berry's. When you and I went to school it was all about not chewing gum in class or running in hallways. Now it's metal detectors, knives, guns and other dastardly devices. Crime and suicide, murder rates have risen over each decade since the 50's. Also at 61, having served my Country, raised a Family, retired and paid my due's I most certainly can call a bunch of punk @ss's....."PUNK @ss'S" And they will not be pointing a finger at me cause they are too busy sexting, or texting. Enough of the Patronizing already!
I'm not patronizing you, I'm saying each older generation judges the next. Regarding my grandparents comments- they would use go along the lines of- You kids dont know how easy you have it Kids these days dont pay proper respect Look at these idiots these days What will happen when these kids are in charge This country is going into the toilet (they used different language). This is what I heard when watching the news with them. Regarding schools, my middle school had a metal detector that never worked. My highschool regularly had the K-9 unit patrolling hallways between classes and a guard at the parking lot. I guess we are not the same age, Inwas in school during Colombine. These security measures above were not because of violance or we lived in a bad neighborhood, no, rather parents approved this to deter unwanted behavior. There were still fights on the football field, basketball court and other athletic areas and couches would take care it. Most non athletes fights were settled off school grounds (but not all). Fights were still settled with fists, not wepons. Having different points of view and opinions makes for good conversation, as long as its understood that we can have differing opinions without hatred and sence of needing to escalate to violance simply because we don't share the same thoughts. Being from a multi generational military family, some already in Arlington cemetery, thank you for the service and the freedoms you fought for and I enjoy. They are not taken dor granted, at least not by me.
Well having just read some of the replies in this discussion leaves me with this question While we may not agree on who to blame for behaviour of some of society, would you not at least agree the world has become more of a dangerous place. As for judging others, once law and order break down completely God help us.