It is with great sadness that I have to mention that a former member of DI, Larry "Shadow' Henderson passed away last night. Having known him here in the province for over a quarter of a century, I think that most who knew him in person, will miss him a lot, I certainly will. R.I.P. Buddy, save a seat for me at the bar upstairs.
Such sad news... I met Larry when I first visited Duma with the Cebu Hash House Harriers many years ago. Larry's hash name was Shadow and he ran the Dumaguete Hash House Harriers for many years before it eventually closed. A great guy and hasher who will be much missed. R. I. P Shadow.
Yes two of Dumaguete's top Hashers (Hash House Harriers) Ronnie (who owned Gie Gies Sports Bar) and Larry (Shadow) both departed. Together in heaven they will "drink it down, down, down, down" and "On on!" Goodbye boys you will be missed. Mike (FMD)