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Best Posts in Thread: Laws You Should Know About

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Just finished a short article about some laws I think people should be aware of before moving to the Philippines. (And maybe a few that people who have been here awhile didn't know about.)

    Laws you should know about - Philippines

    1. Foreigners cannot own land.
    2. The age of majority is.....18, 21 and 23. :o o:
    3. Immigration can deny entry to "idiots". (among others) :hilarious:
    4. There is no divorce.
    5. Adultery and concubinage is illegal.
    6. Being annoying is illegal.
    7. Illegal to offend religious beliefs.
    8. Libel has a broad definition.
    9. Being alone with a child you are not related to is illegal.

    This wasn't meant to be a completely serious post but to serve as a warning that there are laws out there that can be selectively used against a person.
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  2. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    10. Withdrawing financial support of a GF or wife is also illegal....

    Kinda sick on that that they can complain economic abuse that you withdrew financial support or used that financial support to make them do things they didn't want (not that they would ever say *no, I don't want to do that* but just claim it after the money dries up).
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  3. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Not correct in all circumstances. If a foreigner is involved that foreigner can get a foreign divorce in another country which by various treaties makes it binding here. However one has to apply for a *Recognition of Foreign Divorce* here through the court which will validate the divorce was done legally in the country it was done. One of the steps is having the divorce certified as legit through the divorcing countries state office and then having it certified at the Philippine Embassy in said country. At that point one files it in court here in the Philippines which will supposedly check to make sure it was done legally in the place it was done (not like they can actually check and just truth the embassy certification and state certification from said country the paper is legit). The court approves it and it gets forwarded to NSO and attached to ones marriage certificate. At that point one is not only divorced in the Philippines but eligible to marry someone else. The Filipino spouse gets a divorce automatically as well as they can't be held in a partner void marriage. However the divorce must be filed from the foreign partner and will not be recognized in the Philippines if filed or jointly filed by the Filipino spouse.

    Per treaty as well even without the recognition of foreign divorce if a foreigner gets a divorce in their home country it is binding in the Philippines as far as the law goes however one can't remarry without the certification of the foreign divorce. In essense it would protect you if your ex spouse tried to claim you withdrew financial support as it would show you no longer are financially liable for the spouse.
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  4. Dr. Shiva

    Dr. Shiva DI Senior Member

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    Thx for the hard hit story. At least not many pinays are like your ex wife.
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  5. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't like marriage, love my freedom. Most of my friends, who live here and are married with filipina, they are married outside Philippines, Hong Kong or their home country. Philippines law are not in favor of foreigner. You can secure your gf/partner in many other ways than marriage. This thread confirms me, never marriage, at least in the Philippines
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  6. Willie Tee

    Willie Tee DI New Member Veteran Army

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    I want to say something about this, in 2009 I was living in Catmon in North Cebu with an American friend of mine from here in the states. His wife now gf then had a cousin that wanted to live with me so I said ok. Now I am new to the Phils at that time and it wasn't very long that things started to disappear. Now when she moved in I had no idea she was going to quit her job but she did. So when I decided this was not working out and told her to leave, she then went to her Barangay and they all showed up (her and her mom and 2 aunts) wanting this ungodly amount of money because I had her quit her job etc, which I didn't but to shorten this I ended up paying 10,000 pesos instead of 500,000 pesos that she and her mom was asking for. If it was not for her own cousin backing me up I could have had to pay out a lot of pesos. Her main complaint was I promised to marry her (no I did not) and I had her quit her job (again not true) and that was a loss of wages etc. Thak god her own cousin backed me up so YEA it is and can bite you if you don't have your 6 covered!!!
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    Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
  7. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    What is the main difference between Legal Separation and Annulment?

    Once a Decree of Annulment has been issued by the court the parties may choose to remarry. A decree of Legal Separation allows the spouses to live separately but does not sever the bonds of marriage (remarriage is not allowed).
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  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Best thing you can do is to count your losses, learn from it and let it go. Nothing can be gained from remaining bitter about the past.

    And no, you wouldn't be able to get her for adultery or bigamy when there are divorce papers on file. Once she presented those in a court it would be unlikely a judge would convict her.
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  9. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    They can be but its supposed to require a complaint from the other spouse. Without the other spouse I'd suppose there is a case of defrauding the government or some such if they put their 2nd spouse on there Philhealth or other such things maybe but this is all getting into speculation. The male as well if is a Filipino could be charged with bigamy as well though just as a woman, no gender protections.

    Catch with that is IF the Filipina ex wife wants she can cause a lot of havok for the guy if he doesn't do the recognition of a foreign divorce here in the Philippines if the first marriage was done here. He wouldn't be guilty of bigamy but would be in a sort of void area as the Philippines wouldn't claim bigamy but that his second marriage isn't accepted here until he files. It could end up costing him a lot more :greedy: as he would likely need financial settlements with the ex wife. She could also make various claims and while in the hazy void areas lay claim to property and such while things are going through the courts. Not saying its legal for her to do that but as we all know *Hey, Its the Philippines!* would be applying.

    So make sure that IF your coming back to the Philippines and married here the first round that to protect your rear end you get the foreign recognition done. Its an annoying process that cost me $1k for the foreign paperwork and 30k for a lawyer here which is on the cheap side (usually 60k) but a family friend who has done them before for others as well along with that I had everything together.
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    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  10. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    I read somewhere that if this happened, the Female could be charged with Bigamy is this correct?
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