Dumaguete area could use a good thai restaurant. It doesn't have to be upscale like the ones in Fort Bonifacio or Greenbelt but good authentic-tasting and fresh ingredients and not too pricy. I strongly believe one like that would be a wise investment, as opposed to competing as another me too restaurant.
Best Posts in Thread: Lets Talk About Food
As the wholesale cost of food here often exceeds North American prices it seems very few (if any) 5 star dining establishments survive. Especially in a city like Dumaguette where many of the expats have only a certain amount of entertainment dollars to spend monthly on dining.
That being said if you (or the chef) want to do something here I recommend you stick to the basics. Small menu, great service, clean CR's and food that is affordable and makes your customers return week after week.
Having run (and still do) two of the most popular and successful RestoBar style places here in the last 5 years in this area I look forward to meeting you one day and offering any help I can to help you get a feel for the area... Gerry- Like x 4
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