You're a lucky person indeed. I just came to visit and sign off on a land deal on the 14th of March and I've been here ever since.
So these are what you waved off as "but what you leave out is very telling." These are all covered by his reference to social distancing. The age groups, banning leisure activities etc, all falls under the category of social distancing. An effort to create distance so as to resist the communication of the disease between one person to another. Particularly young and old age groups. Young school age populations have a greater risk of spreading due to high concentrations in schools and lack of discipline. Older populations have a higher risk of serious health complications and using up the precious health care resources. @Sedona was correct "Cooperating with the rest of society to combat a pandemic by complying with mitigation efforts is no more giving up your freedom than is joining the military to fight for your country. Both are temporary voluntary surrender of some limited number of freedoms for the overall benefit of the whole of society. Calling participating in mitigation efforts to be chains and slavery and abandoning your liberty is really hyperbolic and overly dramatic nonsense." Not to be waved off in an unsubstantiated way, "but what you leave out is very telling."
Cebu island next to us is currently experiencing an outbreak that is out of control and growing. There are still a large number of people going back and forth between Negros and Cebu delivering supplies. Furthermore thare have been known incidences of people coming to Negros ileagally without going through quarantine. COVID-19 can spread very quickly. Here is an example where one person caused 533 infections: Here is an example where one person caused 34 new infections. Yes the leadership is happy to have defeated the coronavirus and they are making efforts to keep it that way. Remember how easily this got started in a wet market in Wuhan? Imagine how fast it will spread if it gets into the Dumaguete wet market. This is why they are continuing with preventative measures. They are doing this in order to prevent a fast flare up.
Precious in that there are not very many and they are not very good. As in precious few resources are available.
The place I need to go back to isn't currently accepting inbound flights. I know, I missed a lot of your other posts that I'm sure you wanted to see a response to, but you clearly didn't understand my initial post, so going on further is pretty pointless. I do hope you're doing well during this quarantine though. People that speak their minds are getting to be few and far between.
There is another sweeper flight headed to the West coast of the USA. From there you can go anywhere in the USA. No airline travel restrictions!