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Best Posts in Thread: low carb anyone?

  1. Stefan_Negros

    Stefan_Negros DI Forum Adept

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    If your goal is to loose weight, it's quiet simple to achieve.

    From my point of view the key isn't a particular diet, but being more active, for instance by doing sports.

    Firce your body 2 or 3 times a week, reduce alcohol consumption and don't fill your plate 3 times in a row. That's it.

    By doing so you will loose weight and have an overall better life quality. Regardless whether you use low carb or whatsoever.
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  2. liannastar

    liannastar DI Member

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    It's hilarious how they keep coming up with these new "diets" with new names that are really the same thing has before as Rye mentioned about the Keto = Atkins.

    Why people need to buy into gimmicks, fads, and trends to motivate themselves is beyond me. Maybe laziness? Which leads to my main point.

    Most people are overweight due to lack of activity. Laziness and lack of physical activity is really a snowballing effect. The less active you are, the less active you will be going forward. Your body needs to keep moving to stay in shape.

    So exercise even 3 times a week and eat reasonable amounts of food that is moderate in fat/carbs and other stuff that is "bad" for you. It's ok to have an unhealthy meal once in a while.
    The way I've always told my peers on this subject is, eating pizza 2 to 4 times a month is as detrimental to your diet, as going to the gym 2 to 4 times a month is good for your health.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Low carb and the keto diet (previously known as the Adkins diet) are not necessarily the same thing. Keto may help with short term weight loss but in the long term it is no better than any other "diet". It is very difficult to maintain as well, which makes it a sh*t diet IMO. The best diet is one you can adopt and stick to long term. Having to avoid 90% of foods, as the keto diet requires, is unrealistic and impossible to maintain except for the most dedicated and self disciplined...which the vast majority of people aren't.
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