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Maid Pay

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PatO, Oct 31, 2010.

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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    May I please ask what the standard is for paying a domestic helper in this area is? I have a live in maid, works Monday 8am to Saturday 3pm. Normal house cleaning services, yard touch up, no children. I want to pay one salary that includes monthly salary, holiday pay, food, social security, etc. Additionally, I will pay a 13th month bonus in December and one week vacation after each year of service. I will deduct for days not worked. Thank you in advance for your input.
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    if she get 2,500 in her hand a month plus all you mentioned it is fine. Once in a while a pasalubong (load, cloths etc). more important, friendly but NO friends.

    having said that, I am sure many almost adopted maids as a family member, well in 9 years I heard incredible stories about that, each made me shake my head... they would never see and/or admit that that person has now more to say in the family than the guy who pays her :wink: ... well some also need an like that :smile:
  3. Dong

    Dong DI Member

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    Social security?

    Are you serious???

    I usually pay 2500 per month to start, but we have kids, and a lot of laundry, dishes, ect.

    We're currently offering 3000 starting wage per month for a maid that can understand English or Tagalog. But I'm also asking for an NBI clearance, with health certificate this time...

    Just be careful... We've had problems in the past with stealing/ID theft. We had a maid that left for a surprise "vacation", and the next day I got a fraud alert email about a credit card that had been maxed out.

    I can't prove that the maid took the card, but she's the only viable suspect.
  4. TimB

    TimB Guest Guest User

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    Never take advantage!

    A Maid means different things to different people. In our household it means being a part of our life and living, and also good friendship. After 3 years with the same maid (age 39) we are very happy. My wife and the maid work together, they do things together, like shopping at the mall, groceries and also keeping our home in order. She also make the dinner most days and have learned to cook both French and Italian dishes as well as American. We are happy to have her as a companion and a good friend. She live only one kilometer from our place and prefer to sleep in her own place. Working hours are from 9am - 5pm, 5 days a week, but she is on 24 hour stand by in case something would happened to me or my wife. We are not here to take advantage of any Filipinos, to the contrary we appreciate them. As far as pay, we pay well and respect their time off and their vacation time. We also pay for here SSS, so she have some money in the future. Vacation is 1 week, 2 times a year. We do not pay a 13 month bonus, because we pay here P 8000 plus SSS 500 per month. We get what we pay for and we all are happy. It is wonderful to see happy and appreciative honest people around us. Isn't it?
    Remember to check out the person before start working, both NBI and references. Good Luck!
  5. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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    There have been in the past more questions like yours PatO.
    I remember that about 2500 till 4000 were the amounts mentioned.
    Of course it all depends on what you let her do and what you provide to her:
    food, drinks, extra's etc....
    We have had now in 5 years 5 maids.
    The all did do their jobs well.
    They stayed in our house, eat with us, can take drinks if they want (none of them did ever misuse that privilege) and can take pauses at her own pointed moments (if no special arrangements are made).
    We had 5 different maids because 2 had to leave for family reasons (we know their family) and only one we had to fire because she did lie to us and had 2 boyfriends at the same time: one was one of our workers (we also fired him at the same time) and the other BF a foreigner (who was coming soon to meet her).
    The foreigner as BF we did know, but not our worker.
    I even teached her how to use our computer to be able to make friends and learn to use a PC.
    We started always with 2500 Php and increase till max 3500 Php/mth, dependend on how good she performed and how well she adapted as a kind of family member. She is allowed to visit her family once per 6 mth and we pay the travelling costs in both ways and give her some extra at the year-end.
    TimB is 'doing' a great job with 8000 Php/mth. I never heard an amount like that, but it's all what it's worth to you.
  6. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    sorry to sound rhoode, but that is ridiculous. A Maid is a job.
    You simply pay for a friend, what is a kind of strange that somebody need to do that in the PI.

    well fair enough, but than again, none of the lovely friends of my Rechel, or my few (like Jellyfish or the dane) need to wash my underwear for a few peso

    I would feel a bit strange demanding that from friends ... and surely , they would not be happy, whatever I would pay them...
  7. The Dane

    The Dane DI Senior Member

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    Rhoody... the images in my head right now are quite disturbing...

    I think you are deliberately driving me to drink!

    On another note - prices up here are different...

    Most start their maids here around 3000P-4000P a month - province prices are way lower though.

    We just got a new maid in who speaks really good English and keeps the house spotless. She was supposed to be a temp, but I think I am going to offer her 5000P a month if she wanna stay on. Well worth the extra 1000P a month for me to be able to actually communicate with the maid :smile:
  8. TimB

    TimB Guest Guest User

    +0 / 0
    Yes, it is worth it to us. We also appreciate her education and put value to that. I think the bottom line is that no Human Being should work and get paid less than $1 per hour anywhere in the world. Just my opinion! Ask yourself " would I do a great job for that kind of pay?" I wouldn't!
  9. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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    Don't ever dare to ask me this my dear friend :o:(:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  10. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I am not sure where I got that quote in my brain "I don't wanna hear, talk to and see her but have the job done" ... well must be from your driver who "scared away" the others ... :wink:
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