"(if possible)" Since 1970 I sailed with my boat(s) in the sub- and tropics mostly wearing shorts only or nothing at all so getting melanoma was not a surprise to me. But the melanoma on the sole of my foot was. Dec 6 th I'm operated in Chong Hua after extensive/expensive testing a.o. a MIR off the foot what gave a good impression of the cancer spread . They cut out accordingly and removed a big slap 5"x 5"x 5/16".
Biopsy of the slap turned out good, no spreading so now I have to go for regular lymph node controle and try to get my foot back in shape.
Total cost incl previous treatments/tests about P 200,000 whereof Phil Health covered P 36,000.
Suggestion Best Posts in Thread: malignant melanoma
mokum DI Senior Member
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Mokum, I was diagnosed just over 12 months ago with skin cancer. Since then I have had 2 malignant melanomas removed one in February and one in July both this year. I come from Australia (the melanoma centre of the world). I had chemotherapy for 6 months (was supposed to be 12 months but doctors were happy for me to stop - as was I) and as a consequence had very many other issues which happily are now under control and not a factor. My specialist and GP in Australia tell me that due to the fact that asians are not generally subject to skin cancer there is very little experience here which means that a skin specialist is very likely to cut out rather than make an informed decision or alternatively miss a diagnosis. I return to Sydney every 3 months for a check and treatment and whilst this is expensive I do it by way of risk management. Have had a rapid education in this area and happy to talk to you further so you can P.M. me if you wish.
All the best.
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mokum DI Senior Member
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The diagnose of the biopsy of the skin sample
was malignant melanoma, a second opinion by Silliman the same. Additional tests done in Manila (P 14.500) the same. So now I'm looking for a specialist who can cut a part out and do this <To detect the sentinel glands, radioactive fluid is used, which is injected by the nuclear medicine physician at the site of the melanoma.> what I suppose is done by you too? Tomorrow I plan to visit Dr Labaco in SUMC who seems the be the cancer expert in Dumaguete. This mainly for advise on further treatment in Cebu or Manila.
I answer you on the forum to warn others to be aware and not neglect the early warning signs like I did. So far I spent about P 25,000 !!- Informative x 4
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
And your posting is a timely reminder to all of us here with white skin in a sunny climate to protect ourselves and to be aware of the nature of melanomas as quick awareness and treatment is highly important.- Agree x 4
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One dema advised me to (if possible) avoid sun exposure between 9am and 3pm as a good preventive measure.
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jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Luck that I had two cut out several years ago back in the UK. I keep out of the sun and if I have to go in the sun wear a broad rim hat and put sun block on the exposed skin. I check for any spots that might be cancerous.
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And by the way, if i see one more white man without a hat (any age), i'm gonna whack him upside da head....- Informative x 2