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Best Posts in Thread: Mask Requirement

  1. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Since testing for Covid has largely been abandoned, the reported number of cases is no longer the statistic to watch (if it ever was). What is still a reliable stat though (even if it's only the tip of the iceberg), is the number of people in hospital because of covid.
    View attachment upload_2022-10-24_7-30-37.png

    What this chart shows is a big increase in the last month in many countries in Europe. Luckily the number of people in intensive care has not increased much at all, but still, one has to be pretty seriously ill to get admitted to a hospital.

    Then there is another reliable stat, even without tests of individuals, which is the infection level found in sewage. Sadly I can't find a chart with an international comparison, but the chart for the Netherlands below shows the same increase as the one for hospital admissions above.

    View attachment upload_2022-10-24_7-42-33.png

    Does this mean we should return to wearing a mask all the time?
    My personal opinion is that no, it doesn't seem wise for society as a whole to return to the previous levels of restrictions on people, especially since a large majority has been vaccinated. However, especially if one has a weakened immune system, it would be smart to still wear a mask in crowded places and indoor settings.
    Moreover, it is still possible (although it doesn't seem very likely) that a new variant pops up that will turn out to evade vaccine immunity and spread like wildfire and make people really ill.
    Personally I hope that masks will remain mandatory in schools, in shops and indoor venues.
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  2. EandN

    EandN DI Member

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    I don't know.
    Finally..... Robinsons Mall earlier today (Tuesday), masks are now optional. Verified it with the guard, now it's personal choice.
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  3. Mike_Haddon

    Mike_Haddon DI Forum Adept

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    They could hardly afford to turn away all the foreigners.
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  4. Mike_Haddon

    Mike_Haddon DI Forum Adept

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    Although the mask wearing requirement has been officially ended two days ago, both indoors and out (with a few exceptions), local establishments seem to be slow to catch up. City Mall today enforcing mask wearing, guards had not heard of the new announcement and would not budge on mask required for entry. Hypermart today trying to enforce, had not heard of the new rules, but some foreigners insisting and being let inside without wearing (me included).

    It seems that the only way presidential decrees would be able to become widely known here is if the man himself read it out while doing a stupid dance on Tik Tok. Then, everyone here would know instantly.
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  5. Mike_Haddon

    Mike_Haddon DI Forum Adept

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    I was at the same tournament Saturday and go to 'the Oval' sometimes 3-4 times a week as son trains there for football. They will not hassle you if you walk in with no mask on, as it's just a few steps from the entrance to the arena, which is also technically outside. Many places are now taking this sensible approach. If only politicians would follow too.
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  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Went to a soccer tournament at Macias oval stadium yesterday. One gate to enter, 15P admission. About 750 people. No mask requirement. Maybe 10% had masks on. In Bacong maybe 10-20% wearing masks. I only wear one when I go to the mall or Belcris. At school everyone wears masks but not on the soccer field. N.O. should do like Cebu and drop the mask requirement, in my opinion.
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