One can recognize the need for prudent protection from a clear and present threat without requiring the experience of shaking in your boots fear. It is not the main stream media that is pushing this, in fact, I think MSM is way under-reporting on this issue. It is the medical journals and medical news sources that are providing the information on long covid. There actually are, in fact, two main hypothesis. One is that the covid RNA produces permanent genetic changes that results in some cells of the body continuing to express covid spike antigens on their surfaces. The other is that the covid virus hides in reservoirs in the body where it escapes immune detection, similar to the way shingles and herpes virus does.
Who gives a crap....... I have cases upon cases of the sh^^T. Learned from the 1st ban that their ain't no mountain high enough to dry out my house-hold from these ridiculous rules. We are in a place where they cannot even control the deasead dogs and cats. No way you can control the people. Also..... again> All Countries have failed protecting the population from Covid by letting it in. First 5 minutes of my morning coffee...... over 50% of persons I saw were not wearing a mask.
We were in Robinsons yesterday with full PPE, i lifted my visor to put on my reading glasses so i could see the expiration date on the bread i was buying as we have been caught out a few times recently, one time even with an item from a pharmacy but that's off topic and a different story, within seconds a guard was on me, sir can you wear your visor properly, i did not bother to explain to him my reason for lifting it so complied and moved on. It was then i noticed a lot of the guards carrying things like overgrown table tennis bats with a warning on them regarding wearing PPE in a proper fashion. Truly too little too late as the shop was crowded, no social distancing and not enough checkouts operating so queues. I if i had a vote i would vote that they go back to the system of only allowing people into these places on certain days depending on the area they lived in.
The worldwide average is important for proper assessment of Covid. I don't fold, I call your raise for the win. I have Ace high royal straight flush!
Oh, okay, so I guess you don't live in the Philippines then, and for you the fatality rate in the US is more important for assessing risk than is the rate in Dumaguete. If that's the case, go ahead and take the pot.
The worldwide rate matters. Larger sample size = better accuracy and understanding of how this virus effects people of different ages and demographics. Are there differences between countries, their demographics, and their healthcare systems? Sure. But the overall trend is pretty easy to see. Who should be concerned here? The elderly and those with pre-existing conditions and people who live with them. The elderly, lame, and gimp should never leave the house during this pandemic and those living with/caring for them should only do so out of necessity. The rest of us shouldn't be stressing over becoming seriously ill or death from this virus. It is extremely unlikely. Of course, everyone that can get vaccinated should get vaccinated as soon as possible (though you can forget about sticking me with a made in China or Russian vaccine) and everyone should be wearing a mask and social distancing. Long covid is not fully understood and I question self reporting studies and the starting health/mental health point of those reporting (a lot of this work is being done in the US, UK and Europe where the obesity and unhealthy lifestyle rates are very high...chances are these are obese and unhealthy people who would be out of breath after one flight of stairs if they had never contacted they can't go half a flight of stairs now? Unhealthy people becoming more unhealthy after their already strained immune system fights off a nasty virus...big surprise there. Try getting some exercise, eating properly and getting your weight under control. That should help with the shortness of breath and brain fog.)
I agree that our personal risk evaluation is based on what is happening in our local area and the worldwide picture helps us see how, and maybe when, the virus might eventually be curbed. Some countries (and I include the Philippines) need a huge decline in worldwide cases and then massive donations of unused vaccines from other countries to follow suit.