The truth of it! Kenny, I have to, Whole Heartily agree with you, this is about the truth of it all, Shame to say it BUT so true,!:o Jack P.
I've used DIA quite a bit for finding girls on and off Duma, But I like to approach them where ever they are. Sales girls in the mall, food stands, where ever, I'm still looking for a good live-in here. I asked a friend of mine what was a good pickup line and he told me "try a warm smile and Hello" works for me Having a good since of humor works to. make em laugh
hello guys, I am a filipina married to an italian. I have not much to say about how to find the right person for each one of us. Like the other members of this forum said take it slowly and commom sense is very important. As for me age doesn't matter at all if you love the person. Let me give a picture of my relation with my husband. I met my love I was 18 years old. And he was 47. Since I came from in a broken family I brought my "friend" to met my mother in the province. Right after we came back to cebu my friend and husband now proposed to marry me. But I told him I was too young and yet we don't know each other that much. And I still have so much responsibilities back home. After some months we decided to live together but with out the pressure to marriage. It took us 1 year and half to come into conclusion that we really wanted each other. But during this 1 year and 1/2 of being togethere many things came out to life. The problem about family, culture, being not open minded, and me being too young, and being subjective has brought our realtion up side down. Many times we have to discuss the same matter , many times I will end up crying. But I think I was just lucky even if I had not my parents around to teach me the things about life. But I had other people that cared to teach me what are the things that are very important into our lives. For me in every relationship it needs two people to take care of it. I came to a conclusion that I have to protect my husband from everybody not just from my family. Our problem with my family was not that much. Though it had a big impact into our relation. So to make it short in every family money is always the problem. In my situation I have 3 siblings to are still going to college. So I told my mama that we will help them to finish their schooling providing that we are also in a good economic situation. So things went well until I gave birth to my first child. Economically we are in a good shape but having a child we have to tighten our budget. So the money that was suppose to be for the school was cutted half. So I told my mother about my situation. I told her that we are still very willing to help but we need to priorities our family. My mother understood my situation and so time to time we give money to help her for the tuition fee of my siblings. And the problems about relatives and other people asking money to my husband thinking that we have a lot of money. One thing I always tell him to tell them to come to ask to me. And every time this people ask me they always get the same answer which is NO... But ofcourse their are exceptions we help when we think we must. It is very important that a copule should always discuss serious matters to each other before discussing it with other people. Friends are good but they can never give you the right answer if you are asking something about your husband or about your wife. So why not ask your partner first. Sorry guys I am speaking too much now. Anyway this is how it works for me and for my husband. And now we are togethere for 7 years but everyday we descover new things about each other. Oh sure it was not easy but very worthty of it. Good day and good luck Tom A.
thank you youre husband is lucky he found a nice young lady,i hope you enjoy walking beside your husband hand in hand thru this wonderful adventure we call life.good luck and god speed.
hello Knowdafish, I really wanted to make it short but its too difficult to explain matters about life and specially about love in few words. Nice to meet you .... This is a very nice forum .
hello norteamericano, Yes life a beautiful specially if you are with the person that you love the most. And yes we are both lucky to have each other and our son that makes our life more busy and funny and you can name the rest of it. Its really wonderful to have a place you call your own in the heart of someone that you love and that love you. Good lucky and God bless to you too. cheers!!!
How True! Lady, it is because members like you and a few more, take the time and effort to post from the heart, That we the foreigner, can understand a little more, the mind (If ever) of a Filipina, Those that have been with their Wife/GF, for some time rarely, have much real, In Depth replies, Mainly Quips and Pitfalls. We are settled and have got used to the situation we each have. Every now and then, up pops a thread that we have had before but it is so nice to see new blood, giving us a new angle to see the light of day. I say wife/GF as it seems there are not may Foreign Ladies married to a pinoy. (sorry to those ladies that have, if I am out of order here,) Nice post Lady, happy to see you on board, Welcome. Jack P.
nice to see this thread is still alive and more people are sharing their insights. i wish to add a few things but i can't promise that it will be short (winks at knowdafish) i agree. i think that when a filipina marries a foreigner, the effort to protect the couple's finances from the girl's relatives and other hangers-on should come mostly from the wife because sometimes the guy is just too nice to say no. problem is, that often runs counter to the girl's responsibility to her family. let's face it, in the philippines, there is a rule (either unspoken or blatantly expressed) that when a son or a daughter grows up and gets a job, he/she has to somehow give back to or repay the family. anyone who doesn't do this is considered ungrateful. since after the marriage the girl often becomes a fulltime wife/mom, the hapless foreign husband then becomes the "job" or the source of income (for the girl's family). of course, not all foreign husbands are comfortable with this setup. a friend was told by her husband-to-be, "i will marry u, not your family." he had made it clear from the start that he won't send money to the girl's family from his own pocket, except send customary gifts for birthdays, christmas, etc. my friend was so smitten with him that despite her family's objections to the union she married him. she then looked for a part-time job so she could send money back home. last i heard her 2 sisters have already finished college. seems that kind of setup worked pretty well for them.
The foreigner husband's financial help to the wife's family has to be limited. I help my in-laws when I want to, I just bought them a generator for their mountain home. However, I told my wife now that we are living on a monthly social security budget, we will have to start limiting what money we provide. We also help my paying my sister-in-law as our helper and her aunt to cover Sundays. Last week her aunt's husband sent my wife a text and wanted to borrow p2,000 because his motorcycle broke down. I hate being put in that position but I decided my stance was I am not a bank for your family or an ATM machine, so my wife told her uncle no. I felt bad about this but knew that would send a message to all her family, including my wife. I did pay her aunt for two extra Sundays in advance a few days later, to provide some help. My position: I will give money if I decide to but will not lend money. Que sera sera.