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Merck’s Covid-19 Pills

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by PatO, Oct 2, 2021.

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  1. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I was replying to another member but it could apply to anyone of course.
    You're the second poster here that implies I have an emotional attachment to the med in question. Excited about the positive data? Absolutely.
    I am not refuting the statistics you posted. It's an unfortunate pandemic.
    I have simply responded to the OP and posted comments relevant to his post.
    What you have posted is an indirect (and meaningless) refutation of my posts and not relevant to the OP
  2. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    I didn't imply at all, I state directly that 98% of ********** folks do have an emotional attachment. It would be nice if you used the reply function. I think what you have posted is meaningless, but you don't know it. Peru was where the use of ********** began, so it is the prime example of the failure of **********. You can read all of the junk studies you want, but in the real world it was used extensively throughout Latin America, and Peru has the highest death rate per million in the world according to Worldometer. It had no effect, we should've seen a drastic reduction in severe illness and death, and we didn't. ********** only works in sloppy junk studies.
  3. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I have simply provided links and discussion that indicates the effectiveness of the med. I did not say it was the solution in every country a study has taken place, except for Uttar pradesh, and I believe it was you who has asserted that the JHU graph I provided did not mention the drug that shall not be named, and it doesn't. The decline the graph depicts began after the iver,mectin was introduced, along with other med (I believe all of them OTC). That information is found in numerous news articles, and physician groups online. I provided one at least.
    I'm finding more and more relevant studies that conclude very positive results.
    Please review the one below.


    This is regarding UP in India. Please scroll through this. there are a few links. Call it anecdotal, empirical, whatever you like. It's just easy to see where the success came from. There are many different sources for what happened in India.


    Below is a link from NIH.
    If you just skim over the first few paragraphs I'm sure it will shed some light. I hope you open it.


    Ok Toto, last one I promise. It's on Peru...

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
  4. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I'm about done (I can almost hear the sighs of relief hahaha).
    I have been ridiculed, accused of emotional attachment to a medication, told I have already made up my mind by someone unable to refute my argument effectively, and threatened with punishment on this board over dialogue of a med, despite providing ample evidence to at least warrant discussion. To no avail.
    It's unfortunate I think, but this will die on the vine very soon. Maybe that will keep the peace, but it certainly will not address the problem the confronts us all.
    Back to lurkerdom soon...
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  5. kelpguy

    kelpguy DI Senior Member

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    i'm gonna crawl out from under my rock to thank jimf for posting his views on dealing with covid with other than big pharma vaccinations.

    i've been reading this same stuff for months and wondering why mainstream media isn't publishing it, except that those who must be obeyed are being obeyed.

    myself, i recently used a nebulizer with iodine and hydrogen peroxide (dr mercola/dr david brownstein protocol) to reverse, by far the worst cold/flu i've ever experienced, some would call it covid. i would of used the ibermektin protocol if i could of sourced the materials.

    i suggest people go the a non censored media site and search ibermektin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), vit C and D, cooking the books on COVID casualties.

    also search medical front liners, who have worked to date unvacinated, quitting their jobs rather than bow to the upcoming vaccinate or else mandates.


    keep an open mind...
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  6. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Thanks for the post.
    Odd that some have a blind allegiance to the alphabet agencies and ignore as fallacy prominent, demonstrably competent front line physicains and physician groups that have been in the trenches learning how to treat covid Pt's despite not having been given any guidance (BIG FAT ZERO) from the alphabet soup except for, "go home and come back when you're blue," and I would add, "so we can put you on a ventilator and get paid, and when you die we'll get paid again!"
    You mentioned HCQ. Below is a link from NIH about a 2005 study showing efficacy in treating Sars Cov1. The same has been demonstrsated about sars 2, and accepted by the establishment. They have known HCQ has worked for over 15years.
    Agree, getting difficult to source information, but then again I'm just a "media conspiracy theorist."
    Who's giving the misinformation?
    Thanks for the links, I'll have a look

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  7. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    In a game of whoever lasts the longest wins, the passionate quack wins against the rational. This is because the passionate quack thinks that lasting the longest is the measure of success in an argument. The passionate quack does not have intellectual integrity. The quality and integrity of the argument does not matter. Only how long they can last spewing forth poor quality references. The rational gets tired and stops then the passionate quack continues.

    This is a current problem with social media in that quack content gets the same status as quality content. Furthermore, quack content gets more readership (share) because it stirs more emotion.
    Time to block this thread.
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  8. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    • Funny Funny x 3
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Best Answer
    Thread locked. Next post on this forum about ********** gets warning points.
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