Man Busted Selling "Energy Drinks" Containing Meth "Police seized approximately 25 2 liter bottles of June’s “energy drink” found in a cinder block pump house on the property. The bottles tested positive for methamphetamine. June came under suspicion when he sold four bottles to several high school girls who hours later were checked into a hospital with internal bleeding. The children’s parents phoned authorities. A police report contained several statements from June: “They’re just energy drinks like Rockstar or Monster. It’s not meth in there. It’s just lemonade, caffeine, sugar and a couple drops of gasoline. I swear to God I didn’t put meth in there.” Customers would come to June’s home to buy the energy drinks for $20 per bottle. One customer spoke on the condition of anonymity: “I’m shocked Jasper put crank in his energy drinks. I didn’t know nothing about that. I just knew they worked good to keep me awake for a couple days. Stuff way better than Monster [energy drink].” Hours after June’s first statement, he confessed: “Okay, I put just a little meth in there to get them addicted and keep customers coming back. I know they’ll all testify against me so let me make something else clear: I pissed in every bottle.” June also faces child endangerment charges for ‘poisoning’ the girls who drank his homemade concoction." lol @ "I pissed in every bottle."
Sound like consumer protection and quality control went down the shitter... I mean urinal. Good thing he put in gasoline to take away the taste of urine... $2o a bottle and you think it is just like Monster... something is affecting your brain because you have no common sense... oh yeah this is the Philippines.. just more fun here.
I would bet money the guy who commented to the news paper knew it was not your regular energy drink and it contained that "extra" ingredient.