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Question Best Posts in Thread: Mexican Restaurant Reviews Allowed?

  1. Edward K

    Edward K DI Senior Member Veteran Navy

    Trophy Points:
    +996 / 82
    Altho Dustin has "closed" the "mexican standoff," i'd like to note that his "sticky thread" is from a year and a half ago. Life has moved on, we have moved on, people have moved, passed on, and moved here....

    I'd like to suggest that with all the new restaurants opening, many quite good, that the owner be allowed to reply to questions / complaints, unless they post more than 5 a week (or ?)... That reviews be allowed, as many are already here. Maybe even allow some event announcements, keeping to one a week (?).. I like keeping it all in comments rather than showcase...

    This board has helped me many times to learn more about Dumaguete, so lets keep it going. Might consider throwing a few pesos their way...
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