Just had my 2nd shot and whilst waiting got talking to the IATF officials and Dr:- It seems that in the near future (they couldn't give an exact date) only fully vaccinated people will allowed to travel inter province. I foresee a huge demand for forged vaccination certificates
I get my 2nd Sino vax Monday. I wasn’t sure if I needed to buy Viagra to maximize rhino horn or salt peter.
You will be disappointed. The 5G WiFi in molars doesn't work and if you want Netflix on your retina's you have to pay for it. Lol
Everybody I know in the states that has had either the Moderna or Pfizer has felt bad after, especially so after the second injection. The injection is supposed to generate viral antigens in your body and your immune system is supposed to kick in and build antibodies to them. Injection site soreness, tiredness and lack of energy, headache, just feeling bad and maybe a slight fever ... those are all natural expected consequences of an immune system at work. So, I wonder, does it have any significance if you feel nothing after the injection? Does that mean the vaccine only created a weak immune system response? Just curious about that.