“I have lived temperately....I double the doctor's recommendation of a glass and a half wine each day and even treble it with a friend.” Thomas Jefferson
My heart specialist whilst in China (Dr Zhongmin Liu) was, and is, world renowned and even put the insurance company in their place on my behalf. He recommended 3 glasses of red wine per day for good health. When asked what size glasses he just smiled - so I try to maintain 3 x 250ml glasses per day which prevents the accumulation of unfinished bottles.
My wife bought some 3M N95 masks at Hypermart. Plugged the lot# in google and it was a lot found with fake masks. Box was sealed with a Peru Seal, which 3M says they don't use. Watch out for fake masks. https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/1934748O/3m-counterfeit-communication-letter.pdf
It was only a matter of time. Two travellers from U.S. fined $20,000 each for fake vaccination documents That's just slightly less than 800,000 pesos each. TORONTO -- Two travellers who arrived in Toronto from the United States have been fined for providing fake COVID-19 proof of vaccination documents and lying about pre-departure tests. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coron...MlLh365JZlerqJIiW3Uhk-2bCLKmvqGf_9HVq8WjG-J3Q At least they didn't bring their guns with them. LOL
Cambodia vaccinates 80% of population Wow! There were many things that did not surprise me during this pandemic. I was not surprised at how Israel, who does not have a locally developed vaccine, got such an early start at vaccinating their population. I am very surprised that Cambodia has already vaccinated 80% of their population. Since when was Cambodia a leader? https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/national/cambodia-vaccinates-80percent-of-population/ar-AANcEA4 PS: Actually the journalists have screwed up the math again. Cambodia reached 80% of their goal of 80% and expect to reach the full 80% by November. Still a magnificent feat.
Bhutan has vaccinated 90% of the eligible population by 27th July, so now probably higher. In case we thing 'eligible' means a very small group, read this: "Health workers organized vaccinations at community centres but also conducted home-visits to vaccinate the elderly and people with disabilities and trekked to higher altitudes to reach the nomadic herders. Children aged 12-17 years in the high-risk areas along the southern border towns are also receiving COVID-19 vaccines." Bhutan, as some may know, measures GDP in terms of happiness.