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Moderator, Members, Trolls

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by PatO, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    The purpose of this thread is not to kiss anyone’s @ss. On the contrary, it is an attempt to level set the role of the moderator vs. the member. A moderator’s role, for the most part, is a thankless arduous job. Those of us who have managed large staffs in our former careers know that you can’t please all the people all the time. One might argue that artful tact and a smooth personality will keep things on a more even keel, not true (IMHO). There will always be at least 10% of the people who don’t like being under the control or who will find flaws in the moderator or manager. I am speaking from experience. Years ago I managed over 100 prima donna computer programmers, all legends in their own minds. I had a degree in their skills plus numerous psychology and interpersonal skills courses and really focused on the human side of management. Didn’t matter, still had unrest and problems with about 10%.
    In the DI forum we deal with diverse subject matter, some can be controversial, some can be border line bad, and most can be supportive and helpful. Someone has to be the Sheriff, it is a necessity. I think what makes our forum so interesting and variable is we have members from many different cultures and countries who mostly do and see things differently. That is good. We don’t have to agree with another’s opinion but we should respect it. If not, PM or email instead of annoying others with your dissatisfaction or anger. We just had a new member, who ended up attacking the moderator, getting booted off, then having the audacity to come back under another alias and continue his attack in an open forum. I know from his earlier posts that the person is intelligent, mature, and experienced but why would he turn into a troll is beyond my comprehension skills. The moderator took some heat on this but had to eliminate the troll. Hopefully, that was the end of that.
    My point is it is easy to criticize the moderator, harder to be the moderator.
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  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    True Blue!

    :wink: Pat! I admire your Thoughts. I hope your thread is appreciated.

    Jack P.
  3. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Thanks Jack. One of my inspirations was a reply you made a while back regarding your military officer role. I can't remember the details but I know the message clearly was you can't always run a popularity contest when you are in charge.
  4. OnMyWay

    OnMyWay DI Senior Member

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    Nicely put PatO and very diplomatic. But, I bite my own lip here 90% of the time and don't express a lot of my thoughts/opinions. Many others I'm sure don't post at all and avoid any controversy.

    I guess it's akin to a retail store or any business...do you want to walk into Lee Llaza and hear the managment flogging people, Yelling, calling them names and belittling them or would you prefer to continue shopping along while the management happens "in the background" so to speak??

    This board serves a purpose and it's got some good information to pick through.

  5. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    but even going to LEE Plaza, you need to stick to rules.

    your good friend started asking about illegal activities,

    I even let it on until he get the answers than I took it off as it is
    a.) an illegal activity in the Philippines
    b.) against our rules which your friend agreed to when signing up

    Than he started another thread with insulting me, coming back with different names on DI and even calling on other boards his "circle of friends" for a fights against me.

    Well let them come, it is 5 minutes to register, one second to kick them off...

    Yes, I call him a Moron and all his activities basically show that he is a pretty poor personality.
  6. OnMyWay

    OnMyWay DI Senior Member

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    you opinon is heard rhoody.... :-)
  7. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I can read that on other boards :wink:

    anyway, peace and happy thanksgiving
  8. OnMyWay

    OnMyWay DI Senior Member

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    Thanks. All the best for a great thanksgiving.... :-)
  9. texasb

    texasb DI Junior Member

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    PatO add me to your fan list. Very good insights. I do not know Roody personally, but judging from his posts he had not shown any malice or bias so far.
  10. Suplado_C_Andoy

    Suplado_C_Andoy DI New Member

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    Pat0, I've had similar experience myself with a web marketing operation in recent years. Our company had a workforce of between 60 & 100 sales agents working 3 shifts. We were recruiting continually to teplace those stubborn individuals who would try to hide their scams from us. Regardless of the continual firings, new 'prima donnas' as you called them, would think they were smarter & try it on, only to get fired too.

    On the other hand, the BM in question is a reputable BM elsewhere & I see many posts of support for him from other long standing BM's. I wonder what caused him to act so out of character here?
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