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Best Posts in Thread: Modified GCQ

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    To be fair, I think many here did the very opposite - and were extremely unhappy at being locked up for months. I said I was okay with it, but I am a loner-type anyway, but I always supported the need for people to get out to help their physical and mental health.

    It is true that some initially did not take this outbreak seriously enough and may be surprised about how it is still dominating the world and there was resistance, as worldwide, with face mask wearing (someone even twice said it was useful only for infected persons and not as a self-protection measure :wink:). That has now been proven very incorrect and no one who said that did a service to people reading it.

    There is a group of people here who very firmly attached to the need for self-protection and some who, because of age or desire for liberty, had the freedom to say let it rip and accept the illnesses and deaths - just as long as I can do as I please and the economy does not suffer.

    Hopefully most have now woken up to the seriousness of this virus and the disease it is causing and some after-effects which may not be known for years.

    Unless in Manila or Cebu, we have all been relatively lucky so far being in the Philippines. Not everything has been done correctly (e.g. I still read of home quarantine - but people cannot be trusted) but with the resources they have available the government has made a determined attempt to keep the spread localised.

    Worldwide it is very far from over.
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Duterte may not even be president by the time a vaccine has been developed, tested and released to the public. The policy will almost certainly be reconsidered.

    Politics are complicated...and dangerous in the Philippines. I find it hard to judge someone's actions without having the full picture. Things are the way they are for many different complicated and nuanced reasons. Rarely do things become screwed up due to pure ignorance and incompetence. There are many things that lead up to seemingly horrible decisions and the status quo. I don't think the governor is an idiot and I'm almost certain there are legitimate reasons why he makes the decision he does. Going against the grain in this country can lead to deadly outcomes. Life is cheap here and everyone is replaceable.
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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I cannot see any difference either - splitting up people into groups and treating them differently is pointless and dangerous. ANYONE coming onto an island (especially one with zero cases in the previous 2 months) MUST be put into effective quarantine - it makes no difference where they originated from or what they choose to call them. And 'effective quarantine' means 'not at home' - a positive in Mabinay is alleged to have recently gone walkabout and now the area is under a lockdown. They should be quarantined in a guarded building. If this affects their human rights then how about the thousands locked at home still because the virus has been ALLOWED to come back.
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  4. andiflip

    andiflip DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +491 / 173
    50 or 60 youths (under 20) are wondering up and down the beach every morning in front of my house. No distancing, no masks, just giggling and laughing. I am 65 and stuck in the house..This is pretty typical here, rules made but no enforcement and the only people "mainly" following the rules are the foreigners. IMHO
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  5. Solid_Pan

    Solid_Pan DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sibulan, Neg.Or.
    +92 / 2
    There is a manned checkpoint at Dgte/Sibulan border but they did not stop me on my motorbike. Looks like they were just watching for mask and helmet. Both Hypermart and Robinsons asked for my Q-Pass today.
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  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    My helper and I went to the mall today. The door guard asked my helper out old I was in Visayan. He said 58. Then he asked me the same and I said 58. Proper planning prevents p*ss poor peeformance.
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  7. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Put simply, a mask is a two way screen. Helps prevent stuff getting in, helps prevent stuff getting out. I'm not an Einstein and I'm not stupid. If you haven't got it, wear it, if you think you may have it wear it, if you don't want to catch it wear it. Cant put it more simpler than that. And one more point, If you think its a matter of personal choice, get off the f.....ng planet.
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  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Agree - the RISK on contracting Covid-19 seems zero as far as we know (assuming people are not being allowed into the Province without quarantine and testing) BUT, as stated here before, the RISK of ill health due to physical and mental deterioration plus the missing of optical, dental and other health testing is relatively quite high - all related to the unnecessary quarantining of those over 59. The potential losses (just on a health aspect) from quarantine are now greater than those from the virus!

    But it seems okay for the President to travel from Manila to Davao - I know he is intelligent and I assume will be well protected but many other seniors also have brains.
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Yayas are very common here and almost every local household would have one if they could afford it. They are very used to nannies and I have seen very few locals protesting the government intruding into their lives, especially on this Corona stuff. There is an extreme amount of (IMO, unwarranted) fear and people are acting and demanding ridiculous things from their leaders. It's their country and the leadership they have is exactly the leadership they deserve. We can do absolutely nothing about it. But you can't really say that their methods haven't been far superior to the West's in stopping the spread...not that I think it will really matter in the long run.
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  10. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    I disagree PatO. The risk of anyone getting the virus in NegOr, let alone a senior, is zero to negligible. At those odds, there should be no age restrictions, but regular warnings for those with other illnesses that could increase the likelihood of serious complications should the virus be contracted.

    The whole thing smacks of 'nanny state' and to be honest, in one way surprises me here because this country does not normally display those characteristics. It can only therefore actually be the result of flawed thinking - must be seen to be doing something, so let's target the ones least likely or able to complain/resist.

    The more I think about it, the more illogical it seems and the more frustrated I get.
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