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Modified GCQ

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by tis me, May 13, 2020.

  1. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    If so, they may found out she was playing tennis, badminton, volleyball or any other kind of sporty activity with other people than only the police officer; who knows!
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  2. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    They will maybe invent (another) foreigner tax :stop: to cover it, because we are rich :cigar: and they are poor, joke lang (i hope)
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  3. Qwertz

    Qwertz DI Junior Member

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    Retired lighthouse keeper
    Valencia, Negros Oriental, Philippines
    +41 / 3
    I must say "thanks" for Dumagueteinfo website. After 3 months of lockdown and 3 months of NO INTERNET, I can finally catch up on things. I live in Valencia and we moved on April 20th to a house just two down from our original location. On the 21st we asked PLDT to move our connection to the new location. After numerous calls to Manilla over the three months and many trips to PLDT Dumaguete, July 9th the guys came and installed the Internet again. What a pain - stuck in the house (I am 74 but healthy and walk daily) with no internet - talk about going stir crazy! Thanks again for all the info I found here on Dumaguete Info.
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  4. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    On the bright side, I imagine it showed you how strong your relationship was. Welcome back.
  5. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Shocking treatment you received from what is supposed to be about the best internet provider!

    Btw, guessing you retired as a lighthouse keeper as not many positions available in Valencia! :smile:
  6. NYC

    NYC DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Valencia, NegOr
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    Glad you finally got PLDT to connect you. I complained about we seniors being caged in on the lockdown and was soundly chastised on this forum that we (turning 69 in a few weeks)should all be able to exercise in our homes and garages. Living in Valencia, too, I enjoy walking for exercisebut some here think they know better about what everyone else needs. I don't know if you continued your walks (I hope you did, as did I even though the advice here was to just suck it up and stay home.)
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  7. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    It ain't just about the exercise itself. Exercising in the property is soulless. I couldn't motivate myself to do it. A good walk is both exercising and mentally beneficial. Walking has helped got me through some tough times in my life. Don't expect the current bunch of lawmakers to either understand or be bothered in the slightest about this though, as it's not something that can be counted, like a death by viral infection.
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  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    To be fair, I think many here did the very opposite - and were extremely unhappy at being locked up for months. I said I was okay with it, but I am a loner-type anyway, but I always supported the need for people to get out to help their physical and mental health.

    It is true that some initially did not take this outbreak seriously enough and may be surprised about how it is still dominating the world and there was resistance, as worldwide, with face mask wearing (someone even twice said it was useful only for infected persons and not as a self-protection measure :wink:). That has now been proven very incorrect and no one who said that did a service to people reading it.

    There is a group of people here who very firmly attached to the need for self-protection and some who, because of age or desire for liberty, had the freedom to say let it rip and accept the illnesses and deaths - just as long as I can do as I please and the economy does not suffer.

    Hopefully most have now woken up to the seriousness of this virus and the disease it is causing and some after-effects which may not be known for years.

    Unless in Manila or Cebu, we have all been relatively lucky so far being in the Philippines. Not everything has been done correctly (e.g. I still read of home quarantine - but people cannot be trusted) but with the resources they have available the government has made a determined attempt to keep the spread localised.

    Worldwide it is very far from over.
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  9. NowandThen

    NowandThen DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    "Unless in Manila or Cebu, we have all been relatively lucky so far being in the Philippines. Not everything has been done correct."
    Well, if you think so. Here in Switzerland/Europe we were never locked up and were free wherever we wanted to go. At the beginning stricter (shops, restaurants, schools etc.) and now all open again. Sure with all the rules, mask, social distance etc. I was lucky I could escape Dumaguete early March. With all the Filipino ridicoulous rules I would have gone crazy. Hopefully this is soon over. Coz I'm stranded here.

    Gesendet von meinem SM-N950F mit Tapatalk
  10. hiddenuser

    hiddenuser Guest Guest User

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    well, i feel compelled to say i don't agree with anyone about anything about covid. i feel pretty secure in that position since it appears to me that the experts and politicans don't agree among themselves either about what to do. my plan b for coping with covid was to buy a bottle of jose quervo only to find it has some high tech, new fangled, state of the art plastic dispenser under the cap that defies access to the medicine therein. i went to my usual source of authority in such matters (you tube) and watched people trying to get into said bottles with blowtorches, hammers, screwdrivers, and adjustable wrenches. a long thin screw driver worked for me although one result was lots of bits of plastic in my medicine. it changed the normal three step process of drinking tequela to a four step, those being first, lick the salt; two, slug down the shot;, three, bite the lemon; and four, spit out the plastic bits. i feel as if i know now how whale sharks must feel. i have found that my covid mask is good at filtering out bits of plastic and i assume tequela in my mask kills the virus. my biggest fear in the phils is not covid but rabies so in addition to my mask i take a variety of defensive armament with me on my bicycle. the point of all of this is that if you know me, and see me, please use some caution in approaching me on my bicycle as breathing tequela fumes makes my vision blurry and you don't want to activate my canine defense protocol!!
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