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Best Posts in Thread: Money isn't everything?

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I have no time to listen to any member of an unelected dysfunctional family which needs to employ a huge staff of PR experts to keep them in their cushy positions. If you're worthy then you don't need staff to channel people into liking you.

    These stars/celebrities sometimes need to examine what is important in their lives - is it the pursuit of fame and money or their health. A person under pressure selling insurance and on low pay has to switch careers to reduce the stress - the celebs need to do the same. Instead they complain about how they feel and carry on because they won't give anything up. Many examples, but a member of a girl band in the UK complains about her mental health and what people write about her - then performs in front of kids with her lips plumped up to resemble hemorrhoids and much of her body barely hanging within her skimpy clothes. There is too much of the 'look at me, look at me' combined with 'I feel bad because they are looking at me'.

    So, after those rants, to answer your good question: Money cannot buy health BUT it can help to pay when it goes wrong. It gives CHOICES and it must be better to have 10 choices than 1 or zero.
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  2. Chriscraft

    Chriscraft DI Member

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    Money wont bring happiness....but freedom!
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  3. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    How true Jack
    That's why I felt the need to ask.....we should always be aware of how blessed we are, but imagine having enough money to do whatever you wanted, yet still be unhappy!
    Hence "Money isn't everything"
    I remember a small number of Lottery winners saying it didn't bring them happiness.....but I still do it!

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    Last edited: May 29, 2020