So a salesman tells me a car worth $6,000 is worth $10,000 and that is good for me??? I prefer more analytical approaches to life - and that can be very simple, no need to be complex.
Happiness has to be worked on. No one can make you happy unless you believe that they do. Some real day to day processes will go a long way to raising one's emotional state of being. If someone drags you down you always have the tools to get back to where you were more quickly. Think less, appreciate more, is a good start. Money is important, in that if you are not working anymore, you can concentrate on other things without worrying too much. Especially important for expats, who's happiness depends on them being able to provide security and a better life for their loved ones and siblings.
Yes if it's the car you are trading in~### Taking people on face value can be a costly mistake. Hence the saying....In God we trust, everybody else pays cash!!!
So what do you think is the main thing ? Health... You pay through the nose here for poor quality treatment. Happiness.... I wouldn't be happy standing around begging. I think if I could ride around in style looking for it I'd be well on the road to happiness.
How about just being content with what you have and looking for good things happening, rather than looking to be offended?
A contented man has few want's.....Paul Getty the 3rd once was asked by a BBC reporter, if there was anything money couldn't buy him. His reply was to have been happily married once!