I did not believe it but after only about 8 years I actually don't hear the noise anymore as noise but now it became natural sounds that are pleasant in my ears, maybe I should get an check up...
Most of us soon get get over the noise problem . I have lived 25 feet from a train track and after a couple months I didn,t wake up anymore . It was the same in the RP at first I cursed the dogs and roosters now I don,t hear them at all and the road is 5 feet from my bedroom window I seem to be able to block out the noise once I become familiar with the sounds . But I do still like piece and quiet bad singing I can never sleep threw .
....or a pair of insulated wire cutters can't fix! :D Long fiberglass or wooden handled branch trimmers work well too! :D It is amazing how soft copper or aluminum cable is! :D Disclaimer...... DO NOT ATTEMPT IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
I am not condoning this at all but I have learned about the historical perspective of this practice. It got its start in days when Marco's uniformed thugs roamed the streats freely and would capture any stray dog and make it the evening meal. The practice had a noble beginning and I am guessing there is still the fear that in the PI martial law may be imposed at any time. Of course now days it could be there are still a lot of hungry people roaming around.
“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” - Mahatma Gandhi I do find it demoralizing to see the way animals are treated here. Animal cruelty is rampant. They think that tying up a dog 24/7 on a short leash versus allowing one to just roam around actually shows that the owner cares & values the dog. I have been “reassured” of this many times by various individuals. Whenever I let out an involuntary scream because pedicab drivers are an inch away from hitting a dog and do not look like they’re planning on applying their brakes at all, they just look at me with amusement and say “Don’t worry, they always move…” Pigs die a slow, torturous death – not an easy thing to stomach… These are just a couple of quick examples. So, yes, you need to have a very high tolerance for these things if you do decide to live here. In a country where many children still live in the streets and have no apparent rights accorded to them, is it any wonder that animal rights are non-existent?
speaking of dogs......just trying walking through a neighborhood on a nice evening with your spouse. Once you get past all the stray dogs and ones on the 6" chains barking and howling at you (2 blocks before and after you) the first feat is accomplished. Next you get to choke and gag on all the fires burning each evening of plastic and trash. And, if you are a responsible owner that would do the respectable thing and try walking your civilized dog on a leash, all the stray dogs make a complete mess and war of it. 2 places we can walk our dogs without continual harassment: Bacong Square and the Boulevard in the morning or evenings. This country lacks humanity of all sorts. And, that's NOT more fun in the Philippines.
Carcar is awesome now since the dog catching crew has being formed . Strays don,t last long on the street . The big problem is the inhumane methods of the crew . And no one could tell me where they where taking them although they said they keep they for the owner for a few days . And it seems expats leaving is common a fresh wave is right behind them just takes awhile to meet them lol