My lovely wife is guilty as she put one of the loud mufflers on one of her motorbikes...scares the s**t out of the pups when she cranks it up, baffles me but she likes it, even though she drives the scoopy 90% of the time. Shawn
so, JP and SM,...... both you guys should be charge with "aid and abet" and "accessories after the fact" re M/C muffler noise on the streets..........
Tony's trial Jack's Trial. :oops: would it help if we said Sorry? OK SORRY! :D can't speak for Tony Though, maybe when he wakes up and thinks about it. Anyway back to the Thread, I have Noticed that some of the younger lads near me are now reverting back to the proper exhaust System. I wonder, Do they Impound the Bikes First and remove the offending ones or do it at the road side then Fine the owner/Driver for no exhaust at All.:p JP
If it please the Court Your Worship - The Prosecution normally would ask for these perpetrators to be Hung, but, as they have clearly shown remorse for there involvement in this serious offence to the sensibilities of others, the Prosecution will accept their plea for mercy and merely ask for a public flogging of 100 lashes punishment to be carried out forthwith and shown as an example to any other would be offenders.:D............Aye, "the Cats out of the Bag" lol :D
Quack Quack Oooooooops,:oops: that should be Shawn and Not Tony but Oh ! Well it is Sunday! Strange old day all together really.