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Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by Don, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. OP

    Don DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +20 / 1
    Need chiroprator - update

    Hi Everyone, and especially Ron )Expatron), and Dr. Mike (San Miguel) -

    First and foremost - please remember that when I originally posted for help, Dr. Mike was NOT here! He was back stateside and helped me via email with medicine recommendations. Thanks, Dr. Mike.
    And Thank You Ron for being so kind and considerate to a stranger asking for help...you are 'One of the "Good Ones".......

    Now the "Update". Please don't laugh.....
    Please folks, let's not get into a discussion about religion, or a person's 'Faith' - or Non-Faith, or ANYONE'S particular religious beliefs...but here is how my extremely severe lower back pain was "cured". Believe it - or not: 'sup to you.
    As a 'Last Resort' before going to Cebu to find a Chiroprator to fix, what I believe was a slipped disk, .....I tried a Filipino "FAITH HEALER "!!!!!!
    IT WORKED!!!
    A Filipino neighbor of ours told my wife about a "Faith Healer" who had cured another neighbor's kidney problem...the hospital had sent him home to die....(we knew the old man- but had forgotten how he got better). This same 'Faith Healer' had cured another neighbor's tumors in his leg.....so, I thought, what the hell - why not?? I just HAD to do "Something" - the pain was killing me!!!

    The Faith Healer came...asked my wife if "I believed in God", she told him "Yes"...ad he proceeded...he lit 3 candels and said some prayers in a whsper while waving his arms over his head...then proceeded to give me 3 'injections' with ONLY his finger tip at the areas of severe pain. He returned the following day and 'operated"...using ONLY HIS FINGER TIP, he actually, somehow,made a cut across my left butt just above the most severe pan area...there was a 'tearing' sound - like the ripping of a piece of paper, as he did so...he gave me another 'injection' with ONLY his finger tip at my left knee and ankle...told me not to shower for 3 days, and to stop taking any medication.
    The next day after the 'Operation'...the pain had greatly subsided. By the second day, it was almost completely gone! HONEST- NO B.S. Over the next couple of months, ALL pain disappeared and I was able to move again as perfectly normal as if nothing had happened.
    (I had been taking up to 6 extremely powerful "pain killer' meds PER DAY before the 'operation'...I have not taken one since.)
    Think what ever you wish...just letting all you kind folks know the results of my asking for your help and advice.

    It 'worked' for me...you may have a different experience...But personally, I feel I was truly "Blessed" somehow. BTW, I do believe in ...."A Higher Power"...
  2. Torilian

    Torilian DI Member

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    I am very happy for your recovery and that you now feel new again. I have friends who has been treated by Faith Healers, and the results were very possitive. I have a problem myself and have been told that I need an operation, nothing really serious. Before I make the decision to have an operation I would like to meet with your Faith Heeler. Please let me know where he is located and please give me his phone number. Thank You!
  3. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Wow Don, Very glad you are feeling good,Thank you so much, I'm so happy I could help you, with my little help.
    Thanks again. Ron
  4. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    In the 1980s there were entire tour groups flying from Canada to the Philippines to receive this faith healing. They worked for a while due to the power of our subconscious minds, but the tours were discontinued after a scathing documentary that revealed the truth. I cannot find the original documentary but I found a video to show what is being done and the Wiki site that condemns it.
  5. Rodneyemr

    Rodneyemr DI Member

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    I have recurring back pain. When I get the chance, I go to the faith healer in my wife's province. His technique is 30% chiropractic, 30% massage, and 30% hocus pocus (candles etc). I am not sure which is healing me, (maybe the entire combination), but he always significantly reduces or eliminates my pain. The only time it didn't work was when I showered immediately after the treatment. Now I wait at least 24 hours. (He prefers 2 days!) It is not any financial scam as he is embarrassed to accept my 50 peso donation. So yes, it works for me too.
  6. OP

    Don DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +20 / 1
    NEEDED CHIROPRATOR - Response to 'Dave'

    Hi Dave,

    All I can say is..."think what you wish - it's up to you".

    PERO: My experience is "First Hand" and "Personal", while you are only relating what you claim to have read ...

    I searched Wiki as you mentioned...but after checking 4 pages, I only found the following derogatory information about "Faith Healers" ....(I didn't look at all the many pages, tho)


    Could this be the 'documentary' you are referring too?? A out and out Con Man 'story'? If so - forgedaboudit - I'll just accept my personal one-on-one experience, rather than a story telling about a Con man's lies...of course, Dave, it's your choice - 'sup to you....think (believe) what you wish.

    Perhaps, rather than speak in generalities, would you kindly please post the links to, or the specific web site that you have made reference too? I would be interested in reading the "negatives" - as you have posted them.

    Thanks, Dave. I await your specific information. I'm pretty sure other are looking forwards to reading and viewing the same negatives you have related, as well. ( I like 'things' to be "Fair and Balanced"......)
  7. Torilian

    Torilian DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +1 / 0
    Don,,,, this my second request for a phone number and an address..to the Faith Healer. I would like to know if he can help me. Thank YOU!
  8. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    If you want to try the old hilot lady that first helped Don, let me know. She is not a faith healer it's a painful massage that relaxes the area and promotes better blood flow to the area to promote healing. It has worked wonders for me and family along with several friends.
  9. OP

    Don DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +20 / 1
    I apologize - I'm sorry I wasn't able to reply faster.
    I have already sent you a private email on this forum , but I guess you didn't receive it or perhaps notice it. Sorry about that.

    His name is "Brother Joe-Joe" and his from Sibulan. He has a motor bike and will come to your house. BUT - I think he will ask if you are a "Believer"....as it is a "Faith" (in any 'GOD', or Alllah, - whatever...) procedure with some prayers being said.

    Please send me your personal, direct email address and I will provide you with his phone number. I want to respect his 'privacy' and not splash his cell number all over the internet without his permission. I'm sure you understand......thanks...
  10. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
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    If you reread my post and hover over the words, you will see that two links are embedded. For some reason the forum does not highlight or underline those links but they are there.

    It is not my wish to undermine your, (or anyone's), faith. My concern stems from personally knowing some people who came from Canada to Phils on a faith healing tour in the early 1980's. Those people are long passed on now so there are only people like me to pass on the anecdotal evidence in an attempt to remind believers to watch out for 'false profits'. The television documentary I wrote of was enlightening at that time but does not seem to be available on line. I can only remind you that history repeats, and similar phrases I am sure you have heard.

    I hope it works for you. There are miracles happening every day. Thank you for sharing yours. IF it turns out to be a false miracle I hope you are just as diligent in spreading that news too.