Don,Hi there just wondering if you could possibly email me at my personal email address the brother Joe's cell number, as the wifes' father would like a session with him, he lives in San Miguel Bacong. My email is Cheers and all the best for the future. Stilo
Don, received your email have sent reply,very much appreciated.All the best.Stilo I used to be nostalgic but that was along time ago.
Just a heads up. Dr mike is back in town and thanks to him Im on the mend. Had a bad pinched nerve. (hate it when that happens) Im also looking for an inversion table if anyone has one for sell. Had one in the states and It really helps if you have back problems.
Please advise us when you return. I am also in need of help. Can you give us an idea of the cost also? Thanks
Frank: I sent you a private message regarding evaluation of your condition.Looking forward to being of service to you. My number is 09475996720 should you need to contact me. Dr. Mike