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need some help pls

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by claire29, Aug 13, 2010.

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  1. claire29

    claire29 DI Member

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    hello everybody my name is claire and I am new in this forum though I have been reading dgte. forum already before. I find this site very helpful and informative. With this regards I would like to ask if anybody in this forum has gone through the process of re-acquiring filipino citizenship. Actually I am an italian citizen now so I am thinking to get a dual citizenship once I am back in the philippines could anybody tell me how to start the process and also the important details I main like papers to bring. And also where can I apply for it. :smile::smile: really I have no idea at all. One more thing my husband would like to acquire A 13 visa anyone has an idea how to start and everything that we need to go through without so much hassle. Thank you very much everybody and all suggestions will be very much appreciated. good day to all.
  2. WildApple

    WildApple One Hit Wonder?

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  3. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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  4. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I have a 13 permanent visa, as opposed to a 13a visa which I believe is a foreigner married to a local; I was single when I applied. I believe the cost and requirements and quotas vary by country. For a U.S. citizen, Philippines have a quota of 50 of those 13 visas annually. This is where it gets tricky. As was explained to me and speaking only of applying for a U.S. citizen permanent here, the gov't here has 3 immigration commissioners and each are given a portion of the 50 U.S. allocations. Unfortunately, here is where a local version of the ebay auction presents itself. A (very high) price is put on a visa in December and the majority of those visas are "sold". Some commissioners may hold back a few so they can sell them for more later in the year when very few are available and an applicant cannot wait until December and will pay even more than the January #@%&* cost. Morever, you almost have to have an inside contact at the I-office to enter the process, which I had. I am embarrassed to state what I had to pay for my permanent visa but I did obtain it. Side note: Don't know if it is true and perhaps there are experts on the forum who can verify this, I heard if you have a 13a visa, obtained through marrying a local, that is your spouse gets really pissed off at you, she can ask the gov't to cancel your visa!
  5. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    Hi Claire,
    I tried to explain what I went through to apply for the 13a visa in country in the next thread. You mention that you are Filipina with Italian citizenship. If the Philippine Embassy in Italy is like the one in the US you should have no problem at all. Your husband can probably apply for his 13a visa there before coming here. I don't know the logic behind it but in the US they require you to have the medical but not if you do it here. A quick search of the embassy web site should tell you a lot and you can always phone or email them.
    Reacquiring you PI citizenship should be very easy either at the embassy or when you return. It is a simple thing to do at the PI embassy or consulate in the US. I am not sure but you should probably take care of your citizenship before or at the same time you apply for your husbands visa.
  6. felisa gil

    felisa gil DI Member

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    Best to do it with the Philippine Embassy in your adopted country. In the US it is a one day process to get your citizenship and a 6 weeks wait for a PPhilippine passport .I heard that it is more complicated to do it in the Philippines.You should call the embasy for their list of requirements .
  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Italian Citizenship.

    :confused: Hi Claire Welcome, There seems to be a lot of confusion re the 13a Visa, The one thing for certain is that is a Non Quota Visa for Foreigners marrying a Filipino. From other Quotes and my own problems one of the Main requirements is a supporting letter from the Spouse as to the reason for the application (notarised) and goes with the application. I have a Suspicion that the spouse must be resident in the PI on application. As you Don't have Filipino Citizenship at this time, nor resident in PI, I am not sure the Application will be accepted for the 13a.
    As suggested earlier I think you need to talk to your own Embassy in Italy and be guided by them to regain your own nationality first. I have to agree that it may be better this way than to Deal with BI in manila.
    Which ever you Road you take I do wish you well.

    ( I do stand to be correct Fellow Members if I am off line here :( )

    Jack P. :smile:
  8. OP

    claire29 DI Member

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    hello everybody thank very much for all the informations my husband and I really appreciate it very much. Any way I have been doing much deeper research about the things I have to do and some how got some idea. With the thing of doing the things here in italy I really don't find it possible since we are living really far from rome or milan where there is the phil. embassy.
    We decided to make it in the philippines when we will arrive actually being a former filipino I have 60 days from my arrival to report in the BI office and make my application for dual citizenship. I just don't know if I can make it in dumaguete or I really need to go to cebu. But one thing for sure I have to re-acquire my filipino citizenship in order to make the petition for my husband for the 13 A visa :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I think it will be a complete chaos in the BI office I can imagen it already and with my son and husband with me mhmhmhm I wish my self good luck........

    Thank you for answering this desperate post of mine............:smile::smile: I will share my experience here when I will finish with my papers. ciao ciao
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :wink: Well Claire! I for one will be interested in hearing about the Outcome. I know that there are many here that will also be interested as it helps to sort out a lot of confusion. :confused:

    We are here to help and be helped. We can never know it all. :smile:

    Jack P. :smile:
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