I am in the process of adding a mod called "Showcase". This will be an extension of the classifieds that looks much nicer than the current version. It can be used for other purposes as well....though I haven't figured out exactly what will be allowed. A tab will show up next to the "Forum" tab up top. You will be able to add your own items/projects you want people to see as well. There will be several categories to choose from. Advertisers/sponsors/paid showcasing will be featured and show up before all free listings. I plan to use this as a way to review local hotels/restos/businesses as well. I am still in the process of setting it up and figuring out how it will work myself. I will post instructions once I figure it out. It's a massive mod with tons of options so it might take me a couple days before it goes public. Here is an example of what it will look like: http://xenaddons.com/showcase/
Pretty much have it figured out. All members may create a showcase in any category, though all submissions will go through moderation for now. You can add any business you like here (there is one exclusion to this rule.....if the pizza joint in question is submitted it will never make it to publication and I will permanently delete it, the name of that business will not see the light of day on this forum until the owner has made good with me). Sponsors will be featured and show at the top of the list with a large Icon with a description under it. All other businesses will go in the list below that with thumbnails and a shorter description. If there is not a sponsor in a given category I may (or I may not) randomly select an item to be featured. There is a star rating system and a review system for comments that all members may use. Currently the review system is not present for comments. I am still trying to work out what's going on with that. Posting a showcase works much the same as posting a new thread in the forum. Once you click on the showcase tab up top you will go to the main showcase page and you will see a "Create Item" button towards right of the top breadcrumb. Once you click that button a pop-up will ask for the category of your item. You will then be taken to a page where you can create a title, short description, a long description and add pictures (along with a few other options). The categories are pretty self explanatory. If you think an additional category should be added please let me know here. If you choose to post a business or item please make sure that the description describes the business or item and not your review of that business or item. I have been using the Facebook pages or websites of the business to fill in an accurate description or the business in question. I reserve the right to edit anything you post in this section of the website. I will not be silencing negative reviews of businesses but please keep them constructive. If you are just posting to flame a business I will delete your comment. Flaming will not help the owner of the business address the complaints. I will first be taking care of the DI sponsors and then I will start working on other business in and around the area. In closing: This is a new feature on the forum. I think this will be a powerful tool for those looking for information about Dumaguete (which is what this site is about). For now this section will remain in "beta" testing, somethings might change as I become more familiar with the add-on but so far I'm liking how it looks and I'm liking the features it is adding to the site.
FYI: You only need to create an item for a business or item once. If it is already on the list leave your review on the one already created. If an item would have a fee to charge in the classifieds it will have the same fees in the Showcase. If you paid for an item in the classifieds it will go in the Showcase free of charge, it's the same service.
Appreciate the words of encouragement! I've added 10-15 businesses with reviews so far. I'll get to adding some more tomorrow. The more businesses on their the more valuable and powerful the tool will become. Feel free to add your own (or a friend's) business, websites and projects. Everyone should have full access to the new section of the site now. If there are any problems let me know and I'll troubleshoot it tomorrow. Need sleep.
Just a little bit more information on leaving reviews. Comments and Reviews are different. To leave a star review you need to click on the stars next to the "Rate & Review Item:" text that is under the business description. It's a bit difficult to see at first, I missed it myself the first couple times. After you select that a pop-up will show asking for more information. You do not have to fill any of these fields out. You can just submit the review to have a star only review. If you start to fill the "summary" there is a 100 character minimum for that box. I might disable the comments to to avoid confusion.
I've simplified the rating process a bit. You can now just leave a star rating, no review is necessary. I have opened up the comments for those that would like to comment on items there. I will be adding badges for members who rate (like the one under your avatar that says "Member"...or "Admin" under mine).......I've been up for about 30 hours and I have no idea how to set that up to where it automatically adds that badge at the moment so that will have to wait until....sometime else. Goodnight.