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Best Posts in Thread: New Tourism Slogan?

  1. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    We could make up some suggestions for a new slogan: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    "Save your vacation time, just send us your money and stay home... it is more fun to be scamed in Dumaguete" :greedy:

    "Find out how minorities are treated in a third world county .... Visit Dumaguete where it more fun to get pissed off by the press" :devilish:

    "'Asholes' come and be judged in Dumaguete in the press.... :finger: Being accused of things you haven't done can me more Fun in Dumaguete." :angelic:

    "Come have a driving experience in Dumaguete... It is more fun than an "E ride ticket" in Dumaguete" (you have to be old to appreciate this one). :oldman:

    "Tourist: Support an mentality disabled person... It is more fun to pay an exorbitant fees to ride a trike in Dumaguete" :depressed:

    "Happy hour is more fun in Dumaguete... it starts at 12:01 AM and ends at 12:59 PM... daily on the boulevard" :hungover:

    I am sure other members can come up with better ones than mine... I challenge you to try. :wink:
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I couldn't find anything on the dept tourism website. If you have any insider information let me know so I can go ahead and register that domain name. :wink:
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