We could make up some suggestions for a new slogan:
"Save your vacation time, just send us your money and stay home... it is more fun to be scamed in Dumaguete"
"Find out how minorities are treated in a third world county .... Visit Dumaguete where it more fun to get pissed off by the press"
"'Asholes' come and be judged in Dumaguete in the press.... Being accused of things you haven't done can me more Fun in Dumaguete."
"Come have a driving experience in Dumaguete... It is more fun than an "E ride ticket" in Dumaguete" (you have to be old to appreciate this one).
"Tourist: Support an mentality disabled person... It is more fun to pay an exorbitant fees to ride a trike in Dumaguete"
"Happy hour is more fun in Dumaguete... it starts at 12:01 AM and ends at 12:59 PM... daily on the boulevard"
I am sure other members can come up with better ones than mine... I challenge you to try.